"One step at a time" - Life Update, Treatment, Canal Walk and King's Day Celebration

in Wednesday Walk5 months ago

Crazy week; I don't know where to start because the last few weeks have been not only crazy but messy. Some time and energy that I have spent completely got wasted but I am glad I am not mad about it. Documents went wrong, schedule problems, an argument with the therapist, life management issues, and the complaints will go on and on. There was a moment I felt like I was gonna give up because the pressure level was intense and somehow due to the situation, my anxiety and stress levels were not going well. Even a normal person feels pressure dealing with so many things so I guess due to my PTSD issues, time and situation become more difficult. But the good thing is I didn't reach the breaking point of giving up, I still have the courage to endure everything.

Well, hellow everyone...

My treatment process was going smoothly until an unusual circumstance triggered me. Unfortunately, my old therapist had to move due to her transfer so I had to face a new therapist. Obviously, bonding was not there and somehow I was having difficulties in front of her. But because I try to be more open-minded, so I thought to give this new therapist a shot. But unfortunately, during our conversation, some words and ways of talking triggered me. If it was from an outsider who was not part of my treatment, I would have dealt with the trigger in a different way but from the professional, I didn't expect such behavior so I was having huge trust issues and had decided to stop the therapy session. I don't know who was right or wrong but in the end, my choice was my well-being. I still have trust in my treatment process, it's just I do not trust the individual anymore. As a result, the dose of medication I was taking didn't work so I had to increase the dose of the medicines which is not good news. I know people all over the world dealing with crises and problems but in my case, my past is so intense that a part of my brain shut me down completely. Potential danger alert, self-harm expectancy, flashbacks, hallucinations, and nightmares are still there but all I can say, it's getting better. Obviously, no one can predict what I might do next, I also don't know about myself. So to find myself again with confidence, somehow I have to go through this long treatment.



Last week, Holland celebrated King's Day and I was able to celebrate the day with new people. We went to Haarlem city in the Netherlands and spent our entire day celebrating King's Day. It was really nice and I don't have photos to share. Well, I have some private photos but I didn't take any special photos of the King's Day celebration. Well, I regret now why I didn't take photos. But I was so involved in the new atmosphere that I completely forgot to take photos. When I meet people and spend time with them, I don't feel like taking photos. I feel like those are my private moments so yes, I kinda developed this new attitude. Next year hopefully...



Unfortunately, I am having anxiety and stress still and it shows. People nowadays notice that too, my stressful behaviors...

My 3 months of government document work got rejected and now I also gave up. I wish I could write more details about it but right now all I can say it's about my nationality and inheritance. Am I becoming someone who won't have any identity or country?? I don't know yet... This stress was killing me so I took my dog out for a long walk near the canal. These photos I have taken while walking with her. Well, my dog is not someone who is so obedient when we walk outside. When I was taking these photos, she was constantly pulling me...

I was feeling so low that I didn't even care what my dog was doing, I wanted to clear my head. Meanwhile, when my lovely dog Gigi realized that I was not paying her attention, she jumped into the canal so suddenly with her leash. I was almost going down in the canal with her but somehow I managed to save myself falling in the water. That's me and my dog, a perfect relation (sarcastic way).




I never wanted a life where I am living in fear almost every day. I always have to be very careful with self-harm expectancy, anxiety, and flashbacks of deep dark past. Nobody wants such a life where you have to be scared of traumas and live in flashbacks and depression. No one deserves such a life yet here I am, dealing with everything all at once and still have a hope to have a bright future...


I am learning about myself every day, I see people and meet people. I am not harming myself or ignoring suicidal thoughts even though I feel like doing things due to my depression. My achievement level is small, every day I take a step at a time for myself and I am genuinely proud of myself. I will have a dream one day and will do things without being scared...

One step at a time

A virtual walk to explore my mind and life...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thoughts easily...

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The author captures all images used...


Can you ask to see another counsellor? Sometimes, the relationship doesn’t work out. It's a shame the other counsellor had to leave.

I hope Gigi managed to get out of the canal! X

Gigi was able to manage herself out of the canal safely and I was a little bit worried about it because everything happened so suddenly.

Can you ask to see another counsellor?

Yes, I asked for it but unfortunately, they told me it would take time to find an English-speaking trauma therapist. But it's okay, I can wait. The positive part was, I realized the issue and was able to talk about it. So, let's see what happens next...

How are you by the way?

It's sad that you have to wait but that is how it is these days.

I'm good. I'm holidaying down the South of England with a friend. Two days of sun so far. X

Taking care of yourself is the hardest but best work you can do. Keep doing it, dear. ❤️

Exactly, I am trying my best...

Yeah. One step at a time, and you'll surely get there. Change can be hard to accept sometimes, especially when it comes with people and someone you are meant to talk to.

Your old therapist moving away, and the presence of the new one must have been really hard since her words brought some triggers, but you did give up, and I like that. You still found your way out to meet new people and spend time with them.

Your dog must have sense the stressful day you had and must have wanted to lighten up your mood in its own way. Haha.

I hope you heal from the scars deep within, and you can send me a message if you need someone to talk to. I am balikis95 on Discord.

Change can be hard to accept sometimes, especially when it comes with people and someone you are meant to talk to.

Definitely, it's a challenge...

the presence of the new one must have been really hard since her words brought some triggers, but you did give up, and I like that

Yes, because it was not easy to open up in front of a new person suddenly but I tried. The situation that caused the trigger was small but I noticed that our conversation was not going well during our session. Well, I guess I reached the breaking point with her...

Your dog must have sense the stressful day you had

She understands that and she does such things to grab my attention so that I pay full attention to her 🤣

I hope you heal from the scars deep within

This is something I have been waiting for so long...

And very soon, you'll get it. If possible, you can create a mantra for yourself. Something you'll always tell yourself whenever you wake up from bed.

My achievement level is small, every day I take a step at a time for myself and I am genuinely proud of myself. I will have a dream one day and will do things without being scared...

This says it all. You should print it out and place it on your wall. This means progress! Take care of yourself my friend ❤️

You should print it out and place it on your wall.

If I get the opportunity, gonna do it definitely. I repeat such kind of positive words over and over again whenever I feel bad. Nowadays, I notice the progress of my treatment but still I have to go a long way.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend...

Good Morning
Sorry you had a tough week hand inthere and take it one step at a time
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Thank you for stopping by and for the encouragement. I hope you are having a good weekend...


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Wes & Grindan

Curated by wesphilbin

Life is like a card game, where you are dealt the worst possible hand.
And when you learn how to play with those bad cards, life changes them again for worse ones.

Still, it's admirable that you don't know how to give up. I congratulate you for that.

The good thing is that you can find moments to devote attention to yourself and accumulate strength.
Take good care of yourself, and I hope you can resolve the issue with your documents soon.