My PS5 View Is Ready And Empty To Be Blessed

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

The weather in my country has it all written over the air that Christmas is near! Cold morning, dry noon, and night Christmas lights give us humans a sign to get prepared to celebrate this festive period in styles.

On hive here, I have seen lots of Christmas-related posts which remind me to get ready for the seasons. However, while I get myself prepared to spend this Christmas with family, I have got myself a wish which if happens, would be a plus to my 2021 achievements.

About 18 days ago, I detailed everything that I have earned thus far while I aim for bigger ones. I love the engagements received from that posts. However, I just found out that there’s something missing in my current apartment and would love to have it before this year ends. What is it?

I Wish To Bless My Seating Room With A PS5 Console

As you can see from the images below, my tv stand is empty, and would be awesome if I have a Console to console its emptiness 🥲

I never thought I’d ever wish to have a game CONSOLE in my apartment because I never liked gaming. I have always felt gaming is a waste of time or that it’s meant for kids only. But the advancement of Blockchain proved me wrong. Not only did it render me pointless but it also won my soul to adopt play-to-earn platforms. In one of my recent posts, I discussed how I have fallen in love with Splinterlands. Long story short, I’m now known as a gamer. 😀

Even though I believed games are for kids, I was still not opportune to play games as a kid. But since my views on games and gamers has now changed, I have decided to equip my surrounding with games to pass out time.

My gaming wish happens to be a PS5 console because I have a few times seen how real the characters in the game looked. I find it amazing how one could comfortably seat at a distance to move these characters with the controller. I’d love to be in this position someday. Also, if my wish come true, it’d be good to have a few play times with anyone who visits me😀

I’m really grateful for the things I have archived this year. 2021 happens to be my most blessed years. If my PS5 wish doesn’t come true before 2022, I hope to achieve it in the first quarter of 2022. I will make sure to post it here if everything works out as planned.


I stopped playing games for 15 years...and then last year I decided to get a PS3 and catch up....EVERY USED GAME COSTS $2-5 in Japan! I bought 25 games for the price of 1 at the original price.

Assasin's Creed 2 and onward were the most engaging. Final Fantasy 13 a bit of a let down, but you can play FFX and that's a great game (I played it already). Kingdom Hearts was a bit addictive, not as fun as I remember but worth playing. Grand Theft Auto 5 was fun! Ni No Kuni is basically Ghibli turned into a game. Drakengard 3 and Nier were amazing (though Nier is better on PS4 of course). Got Uncharted and Farcry 3 just to try some more American style games (though I prefer Japanese) The most I spent on a game was $12, when originally they cost $65, most were $3.

If you don't have a particular game you want to play and want to try a bunch of different stuff without spending too much money, I recommend PS2 or PS3 and looking for the cheapest used games, It's a hell of a lot more bang for your buck. I'm not cool though lol, if you want to be cool, get a PS5 I guess ;-P

I'm not cool though lol, if you want to be cool, get a PS5 I guess ;-P

I will go with I’m not cool too 😂 PS5 seems to be high atm so I might go with ps4. I heard soccer on ps3 seem to be far from civilization when compared to ps4’s version.

And thank you for those games listed. I’ll get some from the list. Grand theft auto will definitely be among.

I got a ps4 too lol. I was too obsessed with the Nier soundtrack, I had to play Autamata. And more assasins creed and final fantasy. There’s probably a lot of other good stuff that I don’t know still but I’m waiting for the price of games to go down so I can buy a ton of them.

I'd totally wish for a PS5 to pimp up my own apartment as well. I've been trying on and off to get one since they released without luck. Luckily I have to PC so I can still play high-end modern games on that. This is a wish that might very well come true in about a week.

Happy Christmas and may your wish come true!

Same thing here. I have a gaming laptop with good graphics card. Although, I never tried to install games on it. If this dreams can come true I’d be very glad. Thanks for stopping by.

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Well your room especially the TV looks so beatiful. I can imagine console there, it would fit perfectly.

Hahaha that’s right. thank you very much.

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