Tales of the Urban Explorer: Wardle Crafts

in Urban Exploration5 months ago (edited)

“This doesn’t look anything like a disused RAF base?”

It was supposed to be 'RAF Calverly', and the Google Maps images show something that could be an old RAF base, and yet it wasn't. It must have been demolished I guessed, and yet something was here, something old, something white, and something very crap.


To be honest, I couldn't give a toss. This was strictly one of our 'F' grade explores of the day, and having done a few military barracks, I find them boring, samey, rectangular, and if you are lucky filled with some quality graffiti artwork, as well as the odd used condom in a corner.

Not having a ‘cum’ fetish, doesn’t leave a whole lot of excitement, but I was surprised that this type of deviancy does exist.

…’and I thought all that Men’s Fantasy bullshit only existed on PornHub and Xhamster?’…

Welcome to ‘Wardle Crafts’, the worst explore since Ardene’s House, and guaranteed to get your aching loins stirring, and gills drooling.

...more like a monotonous, tedious, repetitious romp through a derelict wasteland...

Parking was hardly an issue, as was stealth. ‘Wardle Crafts’ was in the middle of nowhere and quite possibly a major reason why it is no longer in business today. Likewise, scans on the internet revealed a big nothing, it's not a registered ex-business; it's as though it never existed.


After choosing which of the dozen doors to walk, through we found an office with a solitary desk.


The Auto-Trader is from 2008. Whoever used to sit here, bored out of their tits must have had something to make the sheer drudgery of the day pass by. A vintage paper copy of Mayfair would have been a more interesting find.


Several buildings were dotted about, many of them boasting doors such as this one, the type where you don’t need to turn any handle to enter.


Then again other doors were still challenging us entry, as well as windows with bars. The solution was to walk down a little further, enter, and walk back inside. There were no off-limit rooms.



Very arty, and it almost convinced me it was an old fireplace, but it was just an illusion.


If the ‘Fire Exit’ was locked, I would be forced to make a complaint to the district Health and Safety office.


Is this part of the ‘crafts’ made by the ex-company that doesn’t exist? If so, it’s a poor example.


The more I roamed the spare rooms, the more I became convinced that 'Wardle Crafts' specialized in creating false fireplaces donned with garish wallpaper.


They made walls thick, and to last in the old days.


See the security camera perched on the tower? One can never be too careful, thieves and vagabonds roam the area in tightly organised packs waiting to pounce on peeling decaying helpless buildings.


Someone's been doing some clean-up work around here. It saves us from crawling through jungles of brambles only to find, er… very little.


Could this have been the guest showroom for 'Wardle Crafts'?. Large, spacious, and with boundless fresh air, it's better visited in the high of summer.


Huge bars at every window. As I mentioned above, this is bandit territory and even now those ever so rusty bars serve a purpose.


We looked over the old craft shop and wondered? Was this once the barracks and the failed business used some of their buildings?


A manager did exist, and he had his own room complete with a title. Very impressive, but you could have left us some junk to look at.


No... it's not a crusty old woman's armpit, though it could be mistaken for one.


In that toilet are horrors unspoken, that’s why it was covered and I didn’t do it. Some things a man simply cannot see and live to tell the tale.


The remains of anti-climbing fencing, long since discarded. I figure ‘Wardle Crafts’ has been like this for some time.


Is this the remains of 'RAF Calverly'? If so, it was far worse than your average derelict base, void of graffiti and one to keep away from, unless you want to die of boredom.


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OMG, they have cleared the place out, there was a kind of squatters den behind the mound of tyres in the main building

Does this mean it is the remains of an RAF base, and not a crappy craft shop with a scary toilet?

former RAF then junk shop

junk shop.. LOL..

well it is hardy fortnum and mason

Looks like it could be ex-military. They don't tend to have pretty buildings. All very functional. The air base near us dates back to WWI, but is due to shut down soon. I bet they build a load of houses there.

I bet they build a load of houses there.

They will need to demolish what's there first. That generally takes years, people here move extra slowly.

It depends on how eager the developers are. Prices down here may well be higher.

There's that and the planning permission farce. It all takes far too long.

I'm sure deals get done.

Auto Trader must be the porn for the RAF guys 😀

I should have checked that magazine more closely, between the covers could have been....


Good, that really takes me back!!!!

I come across them from time to time in these dodgy places. Sometimes the pages are stuck together and not for 'those reasons'.., lol...

It's funny, I remember when younger finding them in bushes always slightly burnt and stuff 🤣🤣

slightly burnt 😃

I expected this to be one of those joints with all the clay pots thrown all over the place!

Possibly down that toilet, who knows what unspeakable horrors lay in wait below those murky waters?

I think this is one of the most boring abandoned buildings I've seen shared by you so far, lol. Not many stories to be guessed by the leftovers in each room!

I needed to get this one out of the way, there's better things ahead 😀

I can understand why this is considered a grade 'F'. There were a few buildings, and a lot of land full of nothing. Apart from the wallpapers, and window bars, there wasn't much to see. There is even barely any trash. It would be interesting if they plan on building something here if they cleaned the place up a bit.

On explorations like this, where there isn't much human detritus to engage the eye, there's always the beauty of nature reclaiming what is hers. I love the vines growing into the desk room, and the re-roofing jobs being done by the ivy & bushes on the outbuildings.

I can definitely see where it would be more satisfying, though, if you could at least find out some information about the previous inhabitants.


I think it's part of the old RAF camp, though if that is so.., it was a very small one. The maps image doesn't show much else other than these buildings.

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@willendorfia just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @slobberchops.
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Dear @slobberchops in short, what was there, this site really cannot be used for its land, so many people need it to build at least a house or till the land, or it is difficult because of the distance it is located from the city. Here in Venezuela land like the one described by you would be used. Thank you for presenting us with excellent stories of something that in the past was productive. Success in your publication.

stories of something that in the past was productive.

Was the location it's downfall? There would be no passing trade whatsoever. The place was isolated up a dirt road.

Of course, everything used to be distant, but nevertheless productive. But I ask you, at least for the agricultural area it could be used or it is too far away from the city. Thank you for accepting my visit and for your response. From Venezuela I wish you much success.

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@willendorfia(2/10) tipped @slobberchops

I can almost smell the damp looking at your photo's, good job we don't have smellivision working on hive (yet). I find it interesting seeing all your pics from the motherland.

It's a little bit creepy and scary, huhu.

What if I tell you that it looks like a former fighting training ground
That’s what it looks like to me, lol

Google map showing an RAF base. But you came to see another thing. That could have left doubts in your mind haha. Sill love you urban exploration tales

It's like an old military barracks..

Wow, another fascinating story ❤️ that place looks kinda scary, @slobberchops have a nice day,

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