Ease of Abuse

in LeoFinance6 months ago

I cat remember the last time I write an article on my phone was, but I am attempting to do it now. I dislike writing at any length on my phone for a couple reasons.

Firstly, my fingers don't work as well anymore, and combined with my head not working well either, it makes for a huge amount of typing errors.

Secondly, writing on a phone makes me "lazy" in the sense that I will look for shortcuts rather than explaining myself as I would on a keyboard, or spoken. And part of this laziness affects the quality of sentence structure, formatting and my willingness to go back and rewrite poorly formed sentences.

Overall, writing on a phone sucks ass and is a hindrance to quality communication. It is convenient at times like now, where I have time to kill as I wait in a café while my daughter and wife watch a movie together, but convenience rarely provides the best.


Convenience is a tradeoff with quality, where for example, a microwave dinner is convenient, but doesn't provide the quality bit likely the level of nutrition of a home-cooked meal. It saves time, but over time, it is likely to have negative effects on outcomes.

Of course, using this example isn't completely suitable as is, as it also depends on other factors. For instance, it is possible to have convenient meals that are also healthy, but generally,they are going to come at a higher price. It would also be convenient to have an in-house chef prepare all the meals, but it is going to be expensive.

Convenience seems to be like the pick any two of the "cheap, fast, quality" selection. We can have cheap and fast, but it will be trash. We can have fast and quality, but it will be expensive. We can have cheap and quality, but it will be slow. That last one in terms of a meal, is likely home-cooked, with "slow" also meaning effort required, not just the speed.

There is always a cost to convenience, but with a lot of things, the cost is spread out over time, so we don't necessarily feel that immediacy of the price. Even though eating fast-food is convenient, the immediate cost is low, as it can taste good enough. A few hours later, we can feel a bit ill, but that passes quickly, and since it has some distance to the meal itself, it often isn't bad enough to stop us eating it again.

Eat it daily however, and in the longer term, we are likely to feel it in multiple ways, whether in our weight, our skin, our joints, our energy levels, and psychology. We can feel terrible due to our consistent behavior, but each individual meal isn't "so bad" and the convenience of it in the moment, is more attractive than the long-term effects down the track.

The short gains are worth more than the long costs.

Until the bills arrive.

Another reason writing on the phone sucks is that the flow is harder to keep, as it requires more scrolling to see what has come before.

We don't often consider our behaviors, let alone reflect on the cost of our behavior. I think that this is because while we are doing what we are doing, it feels like the right thing to do. And when it doesn't, we can justify why it is the right thing to do under the current conditions, making it the right thing to do right now.

It has been a long day and I am too tired to cook. Let's get takeout.

But, the more we do this, the threshold of what constitutes a "long day" and what is "too tired" lowers, and the attraction of convenience increases. It is like stretching a muscle to become more flexible, except rather than being able to touch our toes, we are making it harder to touch our toes. The stretching is of our habits so that they are convenient, but not built for improvement or maintenance, only degradation.

I believe that we live in a world that has severely overvalued convenience, and facilitated it through social structures that have made us overvalue our feelings too. We are lazy by nature, which is why we can be so creative as we fill needs with ease if use. But, this also means that our economy becomes driven by ease of use, rather than result of use.

If we favor easy over best, we are going to constantly degrade out results. This will create more needs, which creates more demand for ease of use solutions, and more products that will make it even harder for us to be better, as each of them focuses on a narrow problem, that makes it more difficult through increasing complexity to handle the growing number of other issues.

See how the consumer economy works?

There is always a cost to convenience, and even if we find the perfect solution to one issue, we have limited time, money and resources to buy and do all the things required to deal with increasingly complex lives.

The most convenient thing to do is to simplify our lives so that we are able to manage it ourselves without having to rely on products of convenience. But if we do this, we are going to miss out, because there is far too much to consume, than we can fit into a lifetime.

We all suffer in some way from FOMO.

What are we willing to go without?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


It looks like you didn't do too bad. You got better as you went. There were a couple errors right at the beginning, but you shook them off! I can't write on my phone either. I use Ecency for commenting late at night, but in terms of writing a full post, I just can't do it!

There are likely many people who can write well on the phone, but even then, I think that they still shortcut on the communication. Shorter isn't better, if it doesn't make an impact.

I should use Ecency more - hardly ever use it.

It's quite handy for doing that quick late night check on your account. I feel like something like 80% of the world accesses the Internet via a smartphone, so those of us with computers are definitely in the minority.

so those of us with computers are definitely in the minority.

Does that make you wonder what kinds of people are in that general split? I would suspect computer users are likely older and more experienced in work and life. I have noted here that the best content creators on Hive, aren't that young.

I think it has to do with where you live too. I am guessing that most computer users are in first world countries and population wise, we are pretty small.

Writing on a phone is hard especially if you have chubby fingers. I frequently click the wrong letters and it is hard to go back, even if you use the spacebar scrolling.

I like how the "cheap, fast, quality" is applicable to a lot of things. But technology has done a lot to make getting all three possible. For food, it is difficult but possible. There are instapot recipes, that enables all three. If you bought the ingredients, then they should be cheap and quality, and the instapot makes it quick and easy.

I don't have chubby fingers! ;D
But yeah, I know what you mean. For me, my fingers tend to tap at the wrong keys almost on purpose. Like what I want to say doesn't agree with them. It is the same on a full keyboard, but it is easier to correct.

I have never used an instapot, but I suspect that many would still complain about chopping vegetables, with that becoming a reason to eat something even faster/easier to make.

Instapot is like a pressure cooker, so it cooks food quickly. But I do agree, people will find something to complain about.

Ease of Abuse

Today I did something I normally don't do. I reposted first chapter of my book( I mentioned in this in the title) but it once again got no comments. It seems that my let's plays or splinterlands content is more popular. For instance yesterday I made a post about the assets I bought in splinterlands and it got a few comments.

Think about your audience - if they are interested in Splinterlands content, they aren't likely going to read your book stuff. Many of my readers don't comment on Splinterlands stuff of mine, but I try to make all articles somewhat interesting for my general audience, by bringing my style to them.

seems like a good advice. thank you.

Writing on a phone is kind of torture mate. It takes longer than usual, and makes me much more tired.

It definitely hurts me!


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This shows that we like different things or let me say different things are good for us. Writing on the system makes my back hurt me. I write on my phone and I can write 500 words in ten minutes
I can even be faster than that. I feel comfortable writing on my phone

Wish! When you present it like this it makes me thing damn life now, sucks. It makes me remember how science progressed so speedily until the 21st century, how knowledge increased until today. I hope there is a way out in this problem, because it seems as something that we won't take notice of until it has eaten us. If you have suggestions on how to move to > result of use>
Please share.
Thank you for sharing

Before I'd finished the first sentence I was trying to figure out if you were drunk or writing on phone xD

There are people who find phones better for writing on (bad backs or hips where sitting for the amount of time usually required to knock out a decent post might be too much even if you're able to do it in stints, and either don't have a laptop or that creates a different set of problems with setting up some kind of ergonomic environment that doesn't involve different kinds of back/hip problems). And some who only have a phone and that's better than nothing.

I also hate doing long form stuff on phones, I barely handle writing comments never mind posts

FOMO is still something that confuses me.

It has been a long day and I am too tired to cook. Let's get takeout.

This is basically my partner every night. I am the cook at home because I typically have more juice after work. Of course, here in NYC we call it delivery, not takeout, since most everything comes to your door. But I hate eating cold delivery food so if we eat out I want to drag her out with me, or at the very least I offer to walk to pick it up (true NYC takeout!). This is usually incentive enough to convince her to cook at home so we don't have to bother traveling to the restaurant.

When it comes to the trilemma, I am always willing to sacrifice time for value and quality. I guess maybe I don't value my time as highly, or I am willing to sacrifice my time to preserve value since it seems I always have more time than I have money. For my father, a successful lawyer, he is always willing to sacrifice more money to save time. I don't think any of us are really willing to sacrifice on quality, no matter the time or cost.

Now I'm curious to examine my partner and her behaviors. I'm pretty sure I know what she would sacrifice (quality), but I wonder if she's admit to it or not.

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