Would you grab the chance for a free Covid29 test?

in dPoll4 years ago

Would you grab the chance for a free Covid29 test?

My youngest is invited to do the Covid19 test with one parent.

The test results are given in some kind of electronic way (?) or available at the doctor's office. If they test too if you might be immune is not said.
We think the risk is too big. Standing in line with other people on Saturday, May 9 in an environment where an airborne virus might be present is too risky for me.

We do not feel sick and haven't been ill either.
I like to keep it that way. We even never had the flu. It might be due to the way we live - far away from other people - or who knows we are those lucky ones who are immune for some kind of reason so we pass.

Would you grab your chance to be tested for free?
To us it's not interesting to know if we are ill or had the virus because we do not feel sick. We mainly stay home, do not have visitors and do not visit anyone. This is the case since years, our lifestyle.
The only places that could (have) infect us were/are school, the supermarket or Club Coconut. After a day shopping we stay home for at least one preferable two or more weeks.

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Thank you for your vote. I wish you a great day. 💕

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The peace of mind that comes with knowing that the people i care about are okay would be my main reason for getting tested.

And what if you get ill 2-3 months later? That peace of mind is only there if you have antibodies/been ill. Since no one knows how the virus will mutate you can get ill again too or still.
Thank you for your vote. I wish you a great day. 💕

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I wonder why. Thank you for your vote. I wish you a great day. 💕

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If they have complied with the isolation measures, I do not see the risk of being with possible infected in a row.

The virus is airborne which means you can be infected everywhere even if no one is around anymore.
With us most ill people are, after sick and overweight people, caretakers.
I do not see the need to have a test. What if I get ill 2-3 weeks later? 💕

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If you trust the system... don't forget... you are MOM! Moms have mighty powers to see stuff normal humans don't see. Beleive on your instincts... feel what your child needs. Survive!

My instincts tells me the risk getting this virus by lining up is way bigger as when we stay home alone like we always do. Without neighbors, people visiting us, etc. My instinct says we ate immune. Thank you for your vote. I wish you a great day. 💕

I guess it depends on which places/people surround us yes.

For sure. At this moment I am glad I no longer live in a city in an apart Kent. If I might stay inside and mainly order online.

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Thank you for your vote. I wish you a great day. 💕

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Thank you for your vote. I wish you a great day. 💕