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RE: Art contest: Abstraction

Hello, I am new to this subject although I have some time painting, this is not the painting that I work most, because it seems untrue, abstract art needs more time and dedication at least from my point of view, than other forms of painting, inspiration is not so easy, so much so that I had to wait for my children to fall asleep to start painting, because I had many ideas that came to mind but nothing concrete.
Finally I made the decision to paint the "Woman" as the theme, in her many skins, that allow her to be: daughter, mother, professional, wife, housewife, friend and why not lover, that woman who in her strength is reborn every day with the energy of the Sun and the fertility of the earth, with the tenderness of a child and loving with the embracing power of fire.

abstracto 2-1.jpg


You're right. This kind of painting requires a lot of time and effort. I'm not an artist at all, but I took some painting lessons and I realized this is pretty difficult (at least for me). Women have always been a source of inspiration, and this artwork remind us their important role in our society.