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RE: Some thoughts regarding abuse fighting on Hive

in #abuselast year

Community leaders I agree will not tolerate flagrant plagiarism, would be quick enough to identify, call out the member or guide them in wrong doing.

No problem with HiveWatchers although have seen some walk away not fully understanding the situation they placed themselves in.

Whenever there is reward there will be risk, some will abuse a platform, it happens!

As for AI as far as I know many people private works have been collated, mixed, blended to the detriment of many actual artist, there I do have a problem, when AI pictures are used that the true source is not something anyone will be able to determine.

@tipu curate


As for AI as far as I know many people private works have been collated, mixed, blended to the detriment of many actual artist, there I do have a problem, when AI pictures are used that the true source is not something anyone will be able to determine.

This is not true, there is no mixing, blending or collaging going on with diffusion models. The art is created from noise, by what the AI learned from those arts that it has trained on. It is not that different from an artist learning to draw in someone else's style. It is just on a much bigger scale.

Opening oneself up to a world we don't fully understand, cannot control, I would err to caution

Haha I just posted a comment recently in another chat mentioning exactly what your concern is:


Inviting "machine vs man" leads to reckless behaviour in my estimation.