5k for December 12

in #actifit4 years ago

It was another of those days when I have a million things to do and sports is the last one, unfortunately.

Have managed to get to the minimum of 5k which means walking and cycling.

5km pedaled last night at a good speed, I didn't want to Push it as it was very late and a longer training would have affected my sleep quality. I've done it before and it's not good. The body needs to relax before sleep in order to get a quality sleep.

157km done, 115 to go. It's not much, actually I'm really satisfied with it. If I do 6 days of 20km I'm already there. Let's hope today I can do more and in the weekends.

Also did my core muscle training with my Swiss ball and weighs. It shows that I had one or so month break as I'm feeling my muscles. I'm not complaining as this is progress, it means it's effective, it's working. Should log those trainings as well to see the progress and have some clarity over it. Need to look for an option.

Ok, this is it for yesterday, today is a new day with new possibilities. Stay active and stay healthy.

Cycling, Walking, Weight Lifting


5k steps nice job

Great stats brother....good to see that.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a good one, you did well. Stay healthy...

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