
the one you have may not be a master password

i have no clue where to find that information

Thanks for having a crack at all this. It is important for us that you get a fair deal on this platform because not only do we want to see your content, but also you are a rallying point for fighting back against the very same accounts that have been bullying a bunch of other bloggers here as well. Flagging is bollocks, but getting 85 comments on your post means people are starting to notice.

Here is a bunch of info about Hive - it's way too much though, and I'm sure there are lots of tech minded people who would be happy to help you.

I had problems watching videos on 3Speak, but over the past week it has vastly improved. Stuff does seem to get better on Hive (unlike Steemit)

Maybe old welcome email from steemit?

If you are logged in to steemit / with your master pass then your browser may store in settings your password or posting key