After the holidays, now back to work

in #actnearn5 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, I have been on vacation for several days, now I am returning to my permanent job.

Ever feel lazy to go back to work after a long vacation? Apparently this is normal because the euphoria of the holiday atmosphere is still thick felt.

This condition is often known as post holiday syndrome, an uncomfortable feeling due to difficulty adapting to work or routine after a vacation. Usually lasts for the first week after returning to work.

The characteristics of such conditions are usually felt when starting to work. For example, it is still difficult to focus, easy to get sleepy, and lazy to do activities. Therefore, it takes extra effort to restore the spirit of working again after a long vacation.

One way we can try is to give time to adapt again so that it is easy to restore concentration to work, it's good after returning from vacation to rest and avoid excessive fatigue.

So, today I am again excited to work. I have been doing this work for 6 years. See you again on the Actnearn platform after this work is complete.

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Ban lheuh pree.. langsong lam keurija lom... bereh2...

Mantap.. akan tasesuaikan..

Bereh nyoe, liked!!!

Neu olah yg beu serupa ngoen ata awak nyan, lalu neupost loem keulai..