
@dyehric - Payment of 2 HBD sent. Can I buy the rest of your points 1093.837 + unclaimed for 0.5 HBD? Thanks and Cheers/!WINE

Cheers, @andyjim You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @dyehric.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.


WINE Current Market Price : 0.000 HIVE

I still have 40k points let me know how much you want

@dyehric - Sorry for late response. Can I have 11000 points for 6 HBD?

11000 points have been sent.

@dyehric - Please refund me 22.606 HBD for my mistake transfer.Thanks


@dyehric - Really appreciated for your remedy action for the refund. Million thanks :-)