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RE: To some value of working

in #aer4 years ago

The sculpture seems to be a breath of fresh air from the clipping problems XD I'm curious about how he'll look in the final (before rigging) model.
Also, maybe you should try ZBrush if sculpting in 3DC and Blender isn't your cup of default cube.


I really don't like technical issues XD and actually quite enjoy sculpting (even just fixing stuff is more enjoyable than technical issues XD) so it was very much a YAY moment :D

I got 3dC over ZBrush because I had no way to try out ZBrush at the time. They didn't offer a trial version, just Sculptris (the only thing Sculptris and ZBrush have in common is the dynatopo), and kept insisting that if you weren't happy they'd refund the money. I didn't have the money to lose at the time (still don't but really didn't back then) so I wasn't risking that when all I wanted was to see how well it was going to fit into my workflow XD Now I only look at it when someone else is using it but am not really feeling the need to get it.

Blender is fine, the sculpting is now more magical than 3dC's. One of the major issues I was having with 3dC was getting a smooth surface (for some reason the smooth didn't really make it smooth, these shallow ridges would always appear in places). 3dC's remesh is pretty great, whenever I hit a problem spot, 3dC would sometimes bubble it (so I would have non-manifolds on the mesh, or if it broke away then I'd have a bubble of disconnected mesh still affecting the appearance of the mesh I was working on which matters when you're trying to bake normals). Blender remesh is seriously impressive right now. I have it on along with dynatopo as pretty much the entire sculpt mesh needs work.

However where 3dC still outshines Blender by a long way is the ability to handle millions of polys effortlessly and then a much heavier mesh before my cpus start complaining. With Blender it's already complaining (which is one reason why I'm remeshing as I go as it's redducing the polycount while keeping the shape but honestly I'd have it on anwyay), and that's so far my only complaint with sculpting. I may find more as I go.

On the bright side if the mesh breaks I can actually fix it (that could get a bit hairy in 3dC mostly because I could not understand the repair toold).