September ProgBlog #1: everything sucks

in #aer10 months ago

August sucked almost but not totally completely.

I think I did peck a bit here and there but didn't really have time to sit down and actually work on anything, and even then not enough got done that I felt was worth the effort of writing about.

And then I nearly missed September too for many and varied reasons.

At one point I cracked it with the top of the wing being too pointy and went through and did the point by point modifications I'd been studiously avoiding and desperately hoping I could juust cover over with the feathers, because it didn't enter my stupid head that the feathers kind of needed to follow the underlying form. Most of that comprised of just making most of the quads more planar (grey, some of them had to stay coloured/non-planar as it's a reasonably low poly model and making the quads grey would cause the form to be lost).

And then of course the feather layering needed to be fixed afterwards.

And has just kept going forever. On the one hand it feels like it's never actually going to end. On the other hand i'm past the elbow joint and the rows are getting a tiny bit quicker because the wing arm is narrowing.

Every time I look at it I want to scrap it and start again because the layering is wonky in places but I'm not going to.

I jumped back and forth between that and finishing the Sona translations in the scripts.

I am probably going to havbe to go back and make sure the earlier ones are some semblance of what I know of accurate at some stage aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Because I don't have enough to do I have a few more things I need to add to my notes and apparently I have to look at the citadel properly because the one that I started building apparently doesn't look like any of them (I'm vaguely aware of four citadels). I should probably pay more attention.

There's too much to do and not enough time.

This post also appears on my blog.

Want a cameo character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) Everything you need to know is (probably) here and if it isn't just ask (sorry the link goes offsite to my blog where the layout is how I want rather than the one here which is only here because the original one was).

Thanks for looking! ^_^

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How could I not upvote a post with a title like that from a person like you? ;<)
You seem a little overwhelmed and that is totally understandable.

Sending you a big and well meant hug! 🤗

By not pressing the upvote button? :D

I appreciate all the upvotes ^_^

Definitely felt overwhelming at times x_x

Thanks ^_^

When the feathers are over, what then. Wont life be an empty unfulfilling misery? ;O)


I'm so looking forward to doing the actual stories but I still have an obscene amount of building to do ;-;

Well you do seem to be on the right track as the feathers were looking way more advanced than ever!

Aww thanks ^_^ They have an extremely basic texture on them. While I cry endlessly do them I am also simultaneously trying to figure out how to do a group nodes thing for patterning. So much to learn as well as build aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh screaming into the void

HEhe, oh that whole paragraph made me giggle :OD

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