A few weeks ago we added a new abuse category to our scope of work - Machine-generated or AI-generated writing. This type of content is considered fraud. It is not original content.
Where, in which project you stated this? You are lying, because, you have no project about AI.
Where is this statement here (this is your latest project in proposal) 2022-2024 your work:
Show me, where you stated something about AI there? Nowhere. But you are free to adjust what you are like to it, no mater if communities want it? Because, your the bos here? or what? No asking anyone for permission or proposal, nothing, just add this to your bag, because, you don't like it, and YOU think it is OK?
This is JUST your idea, own opinion, nothing else. You can't just blacklist people just on behalf of YOUR own opinion, because, you don't like AI.
Even AI itself considers it fraud.
Look here, in this post:
ChatGPT is answering exact opposite you declare here in your post about ownership, and so on. Ah, but your is the best chat, because, you are the bos here in hive. Ah, and you use ChatGPT too, isn't that funny?
Which one is the real answer? I think, the OpenAI site is the right one, not that you blabbing here with chatGPT.
My face is real on my profile, but, all the faces on HW team are...? what? No one presented himself as a real person, and we should trust you and YOUR opinions, without proposals first? just because... why?
Ah, and, there we have 2 accounts:
@hivewatchers and @hivewatcher ??? And no one known why?... Hivers, anyone see this?