I consider this to be logical. What I don't know is how will be posible to find out who is doing it. I only hope a witch hunt won't start because it would be heartbreaking to anyone to be banned over fingerpoint.
How is this matter going to be adressed, besides just banning it?
Reality: This is not going to be adressed besides just banning it.
Do you know Hivewatchers appeal-scenario?
There is no appeal they dont answer
They are blood sucking power elitic suckers.
I don't know about it. Can you share?
you would have to go to their discord, as it is not happening on Hive.
But only if you want to see something quite absurd....
I have the entire scenario of how they threat us, they laughing at me on their appeal discord channel, and no answer on my question about project where is the declaration about AI.
I have screenshots of everything i discus on discord appeal channel, and i prepare a post, with almost 20 or more screenshots i take what and how i'w been treated there. They just laugh at me, no serious answer about AI project, or whitepaper.
I have screenshot of the SCENARIO what they ask you to do, if you use AI: you MUST do a 365 days appeal, to post every day, 365 days an appeal, to be removed from the blacklist!!!
What they are thinking they are??? Some sort of God? Sorry, but not for me, and i see, not for many people here on Hive.
They (HW team) have nothing about AI, just own personal opinions, that they don't like AI, and therefore, they ban and blacklist everyone.
It is time for Hivers to known their true faces. They are not what we are thinking.
All blacklisted users are offered an appeal. If they decided to follow the appeal, they are removed from the blacklist after passing it. No one is forced to do an appeal, of course. Some users decided to continue posting and be active despite the blacklist.
Appeal is a too short word for the procedure you came up with.
(@selftheist too),
aaand, here is mine, from 28.02.2023 15:05 (way before this post here was created, about AI from HW):
It is "... more severe than other"... and "365 days appeal"... they offered me an appeal, right? Do I have killed someone??? Who have decided this appeal to be construct like this? In which of HW project state this about AI, and how severe it is, if you use the AI? Because, in this link they give me there inn appeal on discord, there is no trace or any word about AI.
Do someone asking this questions, from where we have this procedure here? Who has voted for this?
For using AI in this post:
and this one:
... because, i flood the system with AI... right?