Grungy Silver Robot

in #aiartlast year

One reason I enjoy making these AI artworks is to distract me from my busy lifestyle. It also helps me to be creative in visualizing my ideas about possible designs of robots. I think creating AI artwork is therapeutic and it also helps my mental state. I temporarily forget the things that make me sad. The problems that stress me also disappear from my mind.

I guess these are what I can call good distractions so I can't think about my stresses in life. I am not the one who physically creates the artwork but I am the one who imagines its possible results. I am also learning to describe my visions of the artwork using words.

For me, my mind gets busy when it comes to things that have a positive impact on my life. And that's why I enjoy creating AI artwork. So I hope you will also like the results that I create. Thank you.

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