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RE: Mist changed into magic.

in #amazingnature3 years ago

Yep, mist can make boring images interesting, adding a mystic touch or isolating the main subject. Especially in woodland or with trees it's most times great to have mist around.
I love such shots, thank you Zac 👍😊

Cheers and !BEER


Yes indeed and we share the love of mist my friend.
There is a place here called Belfast where the mist gets so dense on the road early in the morning that one can only see 1 meter ahead on a drive. I used to sit outside on the front hood to guide the driver of our construction truck.

Mist certainly lends a mystic touch to things in nature.

Cheers and tanks.

Sometimes in Autumn and Winter we have such dense fog around the lake or even in town. Driving isn't easy on such days, but nobody sits on the front hood ... must have looked funny 😅

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, it was a construction truck with a big bull bar mountend on the front and I had a spotlight to use in case I heard oncoming traffic. We were worried that some stupid would overtake an oncoming car into our lane, as there are many head on smashes in this country.

One can simply not understand why anyone would overtake a slower car if they can't see the road ahead, but it happens regularly here and ends up in some horrific crashes.

Cheers and thanks.

If I don't see enough of the road in front of me I will certainly stay behind a slower car.
In driving school we learn you have to drive on sight or even on half sight, depending on the situation, and in dense fog you drive on half sight - slow enough to be able to stop the car in half the distance you see.

Some stupid people don't care, of course, they don't care that they are a danger for other people.

Cheers and !BEER

Oh no, that old country road is rarely used and one would have to wait half a day forv a car to come so that one can follow it. In that thick mist one would not see the car to follow as you can barely see your hand. But the job won't wait and one has to get there .

We don't have half sight teachings here and besides the reckless drivers don't even know the basic road rules, so will continue to make accidents like this one that we saw on our way home today.


Such is life here.

Cheers and thanks.

Reckless drivers are here too, and many more stupid drivers, but everybody knows how much speeding costs or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

My son has held his phone in his hand while driving last year and got caught. This time he really only held it and didn't use it, but that didn't matter to the colleague. Because his drivers license is still on trial (3 years Trial driver's license) the trial duration was extended by one year and additional to the fine of Euro 50 he had to attend a course (4 x 2 hours) which had cost 500 Euros ... for holding a smartphone.

There are accidents here, the bigger the town the more, but to be honest, I hardly see any.

Cheers and !BEER

During the first days of Easter they caught more that 80 drunken drivers on the roads here.
We have a shockinly great rate of terminal accidents here during easter and it's like a human butchery shop out there on the roads.

Well I bet you son will not touch a phone when he drives ever again 😜
Over here they confiscate the phone and you can get it back after paying a huge fine.
But you can also pay half of the fine in cash to the officer and then he will let you go.
Don't you guys have phone hands free kits over there?

My hands free phone is a Marian model because she operates the phone when I drive 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

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