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RE: Mist changed into magic.

During the first days of Easter they caught more that 80 drunken drivers on the roads here.
We have a shockinly great rate of terminal accidents here during easter and it's like a human butchery shop out there on the roads.

Well I bet you son will not touch a phone when he drives ever again 😜
Over here they confiscate the phone and you can get it back after paying a huge fine.
But you can also pay half of the fine in cash to the officer and then he will let you go.
Don't you guys have phone hands free kits over there?

My hands free phone is a Marian model because she operates the phone when I drive 🤣

Cheers and thanks.


Drunk drivers have become less here, but at times like Easter the numbers are increasing too.

You may think he doesn't use the phone anymore when he's driving. I thought the same, but he has only become more careful.

Our cars have a built in Bluetooth system - all hands free, so I have no idea why the kids don't use it.

Cheers and !BEER

Alcohol is responsible for many road deaths here my friend and it kills people of all colors.
The leader of the Rape Crisis Center told us that they were gald when alcohol was banned during the Covid lockdowns, as their rape cases were much less.
Those people have very tough jobs helping women and children that were raped and that's why Papillon supports the workers.

So yes, if I had my way all acohol use will be allowed for only 60 years old and older 😉
Oh! And Viagra will also be banned 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Alcohol destroys so much and kills so many lifes. It makes fun to be together with friends and drink, but some can't stop and some become different people when they drink. I don't mind the fun part, but I hate it when normal people become violent under the influence of alcohol. So banning alcohol is a good idea :)

You think a 60 year old can handle alcohol? Well, I could tell you a story about the husband of my grandma. He wasn't my grandfather, only her husband and he drank and he was a very angry man...

I don't mind Viagra as long as I don't need it 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning Hannes,

Alcohol is a character change substance and dending on the state of one's sub-conscience, it can result in either love or hatred.
Unfortunately hatred abounds here in our country and most murders are partners that are killing their wives. A sordid state of affairs that forced the government to run GBV (Gender Based Violence) programs with long prison terms for the offenders.

Yeah, but I think that there are many more peaceful 60 year olds that have learned the dangers of alcohol. One will always get the odd ones out like your grandfather.
In my case, God's wisdom removed my father as he drank until his death.

Maybe they shouldn't ban Viagra, as nobody could fall pregnant above 60 and it may encourage love instead of anger.
Austrian mountain goats do certainly not need Viagra methinks 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

late reply, I know, but I haven't been in the mood to go online yesterday. Also I have been too tired after a little hike in the morning after nightshift. This hike has told me that I need to do more if I want to make the big hike in May or Hune :))) lol

Alcohol can turn the nicest guys into mad men. I know a few and I am no exception myself. No, I didn't turn into a Mr. Hyde nor have I got violent, but I was a completely different one after too much... just stupid.

Of course, you are right, most people in such an age have become more or less wise and know how to behave.

Our Viagra is the fresh and clean air on top of the mountains 😁

I am back at work today, but because I am sitting in another office with easy work I have time to make my replies and maybe even make a post for tonight, but that's not sure.

Wish you a wonderful Sunday, my friend 🤗

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE

Good evening Hannes,

Decided to do the replies now as tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.
Oh yes, you have to get fit if you want to compete in that hike and the best way to do that is to be out walking.

Alcohol makes us all stupid and like I said, if ever I get a say, I will ban the lot.
The booze making companies released a study stating that trauma is more the result of Covid stress than alcohol. The doctors at the hospitals differ and they say that 90% of trauma is caused by alcohol.
Go figure.

We hope that paople at that age will have more wisdom, but it doesn't work for all as many people over 60 are still arrested here for one or another evil deed.

I want to build my house on top of the mountain 😎

Glad that you had some easy work today and tomorrow the week starts again.
Time flies my brother and I do hope that you get a post in.
If not, then selah!

Cheers and thanks!

Good evening Zac,

well, it's the same here - my work today is easy and I have enough time, even for a post about my yesterday's hike, but tomorrow is going to be another busy day.

Covid is guilty too, of course, but many people take alcohol as an excuse in my eyes.

Many people never learn from their mistakes nor from anything else - they stay stupid and don't even know that the wisdom doesn't come along with white hair ;)

Yep, a house on top of a mountain would be great to have 👍

Cheers and !BEER

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