Celebrate 21 Year Old Birthday And SWOT Analysis - Assess Myself

in #analysis β€’ 4 years ago (edited)

I have officially entered the new age - 21 years old.πŸŽ‚πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ I hope this year I will achieve all the goals I have setup hehe.πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ

It is time to think properly about my future and career. So what is career goal: Make more money, more beautiful and more mature, college from graduate on time in 2021 and i will try to work in the office of a company. I have to create SWOT analysis for myself. Here is my analysis of myself and I have to learn more experience.


  • I present with confidence in public and i'm not ashamed of the crowd. Speaker, MC,.. i do it!
  • I have always been fascinated with leadership, leader in all university lessons and in a some jobs.
  • I am the proactive, confident, always want to experience many jobs.
  • I love literature and read book so my vocabulary is rich. So it's easy to convince others and make them trust me.
  • Quite professional in the field of office


  • English proficiency still poor
  • Prone or quick to anger, prone to stress, susceptible to emotions have led to wrong action.
  • Difficulty to balance study, work and play
  • Impulsive personality, the hand is faster than the brain => Some work done and not thought=>made me regret myself
  • I am studying politics but I am not passionate about it, it doesn't fit my personality and i am feeling regret. If had been choose again, I will choose to study international economy, office administration, Finance - banking, information technology, studying foreign language training schools or universities tourism and services.,,
    I feel like I've wasted 3 years in college and my future work will not involve politics.


  • Technology 4.0 connects with the whole world, the world is Flat - It will be a great opportunity to exchange, trade and study.
  • Growing e-commerce sites, online sales became popular, MMO at home - No need to work hard outdoors
  • If you are an active person, you must stay up to date and follow the trends of the world.


  • Society will have a clear hierarchy of rich and poor, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • Knowledge decides everything. Just do not update the news, trends in a day, a few days, you will be able to be outdated , rejected by society.
  • There are so many talented young people, they are only 20 - 28 years old, they owned huge amounts of assets . It will be a difficult problem to make myself stand out in crowd. There will be many questions:what they do? Why do they do it? How do they do it? Where do they do it? When did they do it?
    And have to understand where you stand? Who Am I?
  • Compared to my university, area where I live I was quite outstanding. Compared to international friends, I'm just one grain of sand on this beach. There are really so many good and talented people that make me feel inferior.


  • As a confident person, I'm not afraid of being unemployed. For me, there are many ways to make money. It depends on how much money you require per month?
  • I am trying to make friends with the rich, the knowledgeable people, talented people, optimist and confident person, proactive, not afraid to fail, dare to think, dare to speak, dare to act . Track how they work, how they live. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with so only follow people in this group haha.


  • I need to spend more time for take care of myself, sleep earlier, enjoy life more
  • Study and practice more, learn to control emotions
  • Spend time learning English, talking to friends good at English


  • Because I have the opportunity to connect with many talented people so I always try to keep that relationship and learn everything from them.
  • I will have to be active in every situation in my life


  • Reduce my workload, adjust emotions
  • Spend more time researching future work
  • Try to participate in economic discussion groups, to find out and update information, make a habit of read newspaper every day.

That is my analysis. Have you analyzed SWOT about you?

Some my photos, i will save my face and level every year.

I'm gaining weight :((πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ


Hmm need to find someone who knows how to take good photos

Written by @a-alice ❀️

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Happy birthday! You're beautiful :)

Thank you ^^ but i like your beauty more 😘

Oh thanks, but no reason for that, you look gorgeous! 😊

Happy Birthday, young lady.

Hahaa thanks uncle🀣🀣🀣😜😜😜😝😝😝

You're welcome

Happy birthday to youπŸ°πŸŽ‰πŸŽ

Thank you😘 have a good night!