Anarchapulco - From Costa Rica To Mexico

in #anarchapulco6 years ago (edited)

I have made the journey from my home in Costa Rica to the most exciting event of the year so far: Anarchapulco by @thedollarvigilante where anarchists, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, alternative media and plant medicine meets. Expect a few days of info bombardement from me. :)

▶️ DTube
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Wish I could've made it down! Maybe next year!!

Keep the peace in C.A. !

hey @flauwy little did I know that you are from Costa Rica, thats great. That event sounds like where someone should be but be sure to keep us posted on your insights and experience while there

Yeah, check out my story how I got there. It's epic:

I checked it out and thats quite a story. check out my comment on that post. The concept of a PUA has intrigued me I want to knoew more about it.

I think you wrote anarchapulco wrong in your dtube thumbnail xD you wrote anrachapulco xD

Damn, I should have better write it like this:


For a moment there i actually thought you were going to a convention of spiders :P
Any follower that you had with arachnophobia just unfollowed you because of that picture xD

Firstly this is me wishing you a happy valentines day @flauwy have read quite amazing stuffs about you and happy to be your follower on this platform. About your journey to Costa Rica, wow I am glad you enjoy going on trips unlike me that always suffer from motion sickness.
Okay the part that caught my attention the most is on plant medicine @flauwy. Believe me I cannot wait for a detailed info bombardment newly found buddy.
Do enjoy the rest of the month💙
From a keen follower @eunireal1

What a great engaging comment. Be assured that I will not spare any detail about plant medicine!

Wow so happy to see that I got a great reply from you dearie @flauwy you are truly amazing. It's morning over here hence Good morning @flauwy and have a great day ahead. Much love your follower @eunireal1

great work keep it up... Your journey has molded you for your greater good and its was exactly what it needed to be dont think that you have lost time it took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now and now is right no time good company in the journey makes the way seems shorter.....

stay blessed and thanks for sharing...

You have expressed that very nicely and it hits my current moment on point!

The clay huts were the best! They're like Mexican igloos... Looking forward to the event updates - looks epic already.

I love them, too. I am so glad my dad - who is coming today as well - picked this hotel for us.

wow must be insane, perfect fit for you :D looking forward to what's coming!

I liked that place very much
enjoy your trip

Thanks, it is already awesome!

The journey of like is not meant to be feared and planned it is meant to be travelled and enjoy.don't expect anyone to understand your journey specially if they have never walked your path not everyone will understand your journey that okay you were here to live your life not to make everyone understand...
stay blessed:):):)

Everyone's journey is special and unique :)

Hi @flauwy, are you doing that a hobby? I hope you enjoy it @flauwy.

I am here to Steem about it ;)

Always expect more information from you. Enjoy your trip to Mexico. Have lots of fun and gain more and more knowledge. Thank you for the valuable information.

It is already mind-blowing...

You really seem excited about Anarchapulco, looking forward for the next post to find out whats happening there. The clay huts look much bigger from inside, I was surprised how small they actually are.

Yeah, I am going there to post about it on Steemit ;)

It does indeed look big from inside and tiny from the outside!

great event many legend are attending!

Yes, many legends and many who will become one in the future. It is a melting pot of ideas and opportunities here!

Sure. Anticipating. Can't wait for the info.
Thanks for sharing @flauwy



Happy Valentine's Day! :)

this is awesome. Guess you had a nice trip

I am still there for the next days. The main event starts tomorrow.

Outstanding...look forward to seeing more!

Safe travels to the meetup brother. And what the heck man, I dig those little pods for the rooms. That is crazy cool layout for place to stay.

Yeah, best place I could get here! :)

A nice trip @flauwy I also really like the journey like that, good job.

I am glad you enjoy the show. It has just started!

Always expect more information from you. Enjoy your trip to Mexico. Have lots of fun and gain more and more knowledge. Thank you for the valuable information.

It's coming ;)

Will b honoured. Thanks

Good stuff, keep posting about it so I can feel more sorry I'm not there :P

Sure will do! ;)

Pump it strong on that "Plant Medicine" and have fun bro!

Yep, that's what I am planning on.

By the way: I got a +2/+2 coin for this one. ;)

Oh, you are all buffed out on this one... +10/+10 from @thejohalfiles :D

ayer vi una entrevista sobre este evento en RT, me encantaría poder participar

Great video! That ecolodge looks really cool.

nice post

this is awesome

nice travel, thanks for sharing

Costa Rica is beautiful! thanks for the great content :)

Outstanding,look forward to seeing more.

I hope your event will be success.

Costa Rica.. Id love to go there, I love places I can experience new cultures and experiences. I am so jealous! :)

Very GOOD!

I would love to know about your experience and knowledge in Costa Rica, guaoo should be spectacular .. Enjoy it!

Anarchapulco - From Costa Rica To Mexico journing thats really great.i think you enjoyed your most exciting event.this is a great thought. good imformative post.thank u very much for ur good post sharing.@flauwy

it takes a long time to do such a job

How is life in Costa Rica? The country which been running on 100% renewable energy for a year now!Where 25% of the land is a national park! Oh my,one of my goals in life to move there!! So any info could help a lot!

Hmm çok iyi .. devamını bekliyorum 👏👏

Looks like fun.. Come swim with the gators in South Louisiana...

Best journey....
I like it you story
Thank you for sharing @flauwy

Gotta get the spelling of overlays right! The outside world is already dismissing Steemit very quickly, DESPITE that random people can earn money for almost nothing. Unless it was on purpose.

Hey there
That is too good

Great energy brother! Hope the trip is all youve asked for and more! Have fun!!

irgendwas in dem Video erinnert mich an die Coneheads.....

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I'll be there next year. You must surely have had a great time. I'm betting it was the people you met that was the highlight. This is what the world should be. Atlas Shrugged!

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great post and great work !! thanks for sharing !! upvote for you friends!!

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