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RE: A Rallying Call to Arms; Stand Up, and Stand Together!

in #anarchism7 years ago

The system of politics and media have colluded to generate division within our society, our Iives, and throughout the world. Many are unaware that their "enemy" is an illusion; their masters are the enemy. Society fears the repercussions of 'biting the hand that feeds', but does not realize that society is the feeding hand - we are the sustanence, we are the control. If people would realize that, we wouldn't be chaining ourselves down willfully. Complex problems sometimes have a simple solution. Don't accept hopelessness. Hopelessness gives strength to the opposition.

I'm with you all that choose to remain standing.


Divide and conquer is such an old tactic but continues to work very well. If it isn't ethnic background, it is unequal wealth. It's always something to make people envy and hate others. While they are busy doing those things, they are easily controlled.

The main question I keep going back to though in my mind is how we, who do not want to be ruled, find a way to coexist with a vast majority of people who do want to be ruled. Will the majority of people ever awaken enough to be on our side? Human history makes me doubt that it will ever happen.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Though unable to relate, we can cooperate. We must find a way to some sort of common ground. Unfortuantely it would take discomfort for all of us to realize any immediate 'need' for action. A passive herd we've become. Relinquishing all control for the illusion of comfort & safety - neither of which can be 'given' because it is a derivative of action. It must be taken because it cannot be given away.

It's hard to say if we, collectively, will want control of our own lives. Society offers us so much, the easy way. How long with the human race work tirelessly for debased paper currency and their diminishing individuality? Hard to say..

Queue up the Carlin quotes...

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. I've always hated that saying. haha

They are my ally. Sure, they could be my friend too, but friends have the exact same objectives and are on the same path in life. :)

My main concern is that people who want to be ruled are forcing their rulers on people who do not want to be ruled.

This is one reason I'm looking to leave the USA for a place where the government leaves me alone as long as I do no harm to others or their property.

That's no longer possible here.

Ancient proverbs are so
They are building a spot on Mars for those truly looking to get out from under the 'rulers of the world'. Only way is go above them. To space. All the governments of the world bow to the same king - money. Is there truly any safe haven? I've often wondered that.