Stop Trying To Be an Anarchist- Be The Ruler

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

 There is a golden rule, but it comes not from books or libraries- those are paper rules. 

Some people are still waiting for anarchy, as if it could be somehow endowed upon them by their reluctant society. As if 'no rulers' was a rule, a strict law which could be forced upon an unwilling population. 

While there's no denying that the general population prefers to be ruled, the individuals within that society who have discovered that they actually rule themselves are in a curious paradox- their rulership over themselves is the very basis of their understanding of anarchy, or 'no ruler'. It's a sort of internal Monarchy, or 'one ruler', complete with it's own 'divine right' to rule, according to the monarch. In the blood, so to speak. A ruler who doesn't want to be ruled, perhaps.

 author's photographic depiction of anarchy's long winter @therealpaul

Freedom- The New 'F' Word
The public mind is programmable. It's probably not so much that people actually want to be ruled, it's just that society's mind has been programmed to be irresponsible, and to fear this radical idea of self-ownership. 

A glance at the television (not recommended) will show that people who talk about 'freedom' are always backwards-thinking rednecks and dangerous hillbillies, certainly not the popular group to be associated with, and we are supposed to laugh on cue at their ignorance.  

 "...something something something... cold dead paw"  [LAUGHTER] @therealpaul

This cultural conditioning leaves but one alternative to the dreaded freedom, and it's what all the cool kids are doing. The opposite of freedom is, of course, slavery, but we shan't call it that. 

Linguistic Programming

For the culture's conditioning, it is called 'liberty', since that implies something that is granted, like a license. Liberty can, for the fortunate citizen, be 'gotten' from somewhere else- delegated by unseen forces, forces imagined out of a prescribed and culturally accepted laziness. 

Meanwhile, the self-owned human needn't wait for anarchy to dawn on a civilization, as they already own the knowledge of their natural rights, and minding their own business is just a by-product of that knowledge. 

'Do no harm' is known by all to be right- a natural right- and of course can't be forced on a neighbor, or anybody, as if they didn't know it already. Leave them alone! The self-owned being is busy being the monarch, and reigning over an internal kingdom is a courageous duty, requiring focus and dedication, so there's no time for invading others.  


Gracias Por compartir este material, Me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias.

Eres Bienvenido, gracias por la lectura
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Great Read!

I appreciate the reply, thanks for reading

I've always preferred metaphors to plants when it comes to taking care of your soul. Reigning over the inner kingdom sounds like a drag, but cultivating inner harmony by making sure you get the space, material, sunlight, water, and peace of mind you need is nice. Either way I agree with most of the sentiments, I just always valued hermitism and plants over rulers and power.

If nothing grows first try, then at least with all of the space, material, sunlight, water, one might get a rainbow.
Thanks for the reply