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RE: Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain

in #anarchy7 years ago

"So you're saying that if I labor on something, and control it, that it's not my property?"


oh yeah I forgot you still don't understand the different types of property.


You're basing these arguments on the fact that he used the word "private property", when you know full well that anarcho-capitalists don't believe in any other kind of property. And again, you're not responding to me, you're responding to my quote of @pomperipossa.

"I don't think the concept of private property is "violence or oppression". I do think that cultures which place accumulation of private property as one of their top measures of "success" are destined to suffer from unnecessary stratification, classism, and huge differences in mental & physical health, education, et al between those classes."

he used the word "private property", when you know full well that anarcho-capitalists don't believe in any other kind of property.