
Good to see the community standing up to this Bcash SCAM. Keep educate people!

bitcoin cash is very far from a scam, and all you are doing is repeating the bitcoin core propaganda.

Bitcoin Cash BCH is Peer to peer Electronic Cash
as per the original Bitcoin Whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto, 2008

It seems simple to me.. Bitcoin Cash has lower fees and faster transactions.. Why would it now eventually grow larger than Bitcoin Core?

nobody knows what the future brings, but the Bitcoin Cash has the potential to outgrow Bitcoin Core and the reason for this is in my opinion it got better utility due to the lower fees.

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter and pay with Bitcoin. The only problem is there is a $60 transaction fee. Do you accept Bitcoin Cash?

Fully agree with ya on the (((root cause))) of this mess

@andyhoffman for your own good....dont call it "bcash" if Roger Ver is arround hahaha

wtf is "bcash" anyway?
??? lol


all the alt coins out there is less shitty than bitcoin core right now as of the time i wrote this.

I am around and a supporter of Bitcoin Cash and how woulld feel if we went around refering to Bitcoin as Bcoin? Right now given tbe high fees and slow confirmation time it certainly not operating at A-level.

Bitcoin core is not useful as medium of exchange at all indeed!

You wouldn't know from the interview that BTC got beat out by just about every Alt Coin out there in 2017, even the scammy pieces of shit Alt Coins; and that BTC was currently 120,000 overpriced transactions behind and has been for weeks...but maybe its just me. ^ Upvoted

Sounds like Rocky is protecting his investment

Thanks for this video. Good knowledge! Gained a follower.

BCH ever since it is added to Coinbase is rocket ready to launch and loaded. I think it can surely it $5000 by 2018. It already it $3000+ this year itself. If it finds more usability nobody can stop it from becoming popular, it is technically more superior than BTC and has all the good qualities of BTC except the brand name.
People who had BTC before BCH fork will be feeling like this now because they have BTC,BCH,BTG and many more.

Always forgive from inside and it will free you- we need kindness. thanks for a always great show ! @andyhoffman

Let the Crypto-War begin :D or end, however you take it

Turn your monitor upside down.

Hello Andy! Great to see you on STEEMIT, I've been here for a bit and made some serious coin! It's a great platform, especially if you throw in a little Seed Money!

Are you calling Bitcoin Cash "BCash"? I suppose you know that your boy Bix Weir is saying Bitcoin Cash is the Good Guy's Choice and will overtake BTC? lol I've been a follower of both of you for a long time and it si refreshing to see that the two of you are not in Lock-Step Agreement! Not Even CLOSE! :D

Following your steemit account now too! :D

Bix Weir is NOT his boy. Bix Weir is very wrong.

Roger Ver is incredibly charismatic. Pair that with the fact that there's still quite a few flat earthers out there....Bcash is a little concerning to me...

you should be more concerned with what the bitcoin core team is up to.

I have neither Bitcoin nor Bitcoin Cash but I personally see Bitcoin having been infiltrated and taken over, being it has been funded indirectly by associations bearing members of the Bilderberg Group and the Federal Reserve (conflicts of interest). They obviously don't want Bitcoin to function as an electronic peer-to-peer currency (competition to government issued fiat; revolution), but as a mere store-of-value, which is of little importance and changes next to opposed to the former. The average person can't even afford to transact with the Bitcoin network anymore- much less the unbanked population of the world that it seemed so hopeful to serve.

your post is so fantastic, your post is so inspiration for me and all the steemit users, I am proud of you ... I love all your posts, you are fantastic in making a post, may the victory and goodness side with your work. Thank you..


Good informative video. Thank You

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Thankyou for this amazing post man. it`s very informative. it helps us new member here in steemit to understand how it goes. keep up the good work! :)

Great post there, keep up good work !

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good post. boss I want to be a lot of dollars can not help.

Don't say that Bitcoin cabs is a scam
It is just the bitcoin version people wanted