Cat in the city

in #animalslast month

I was browsing photos to clear delete the ones that I don’t need so I could free up more storage for my new photos. I already have 6,000+ photos in my storage and my iCloud is giving notifications that I’m reaching my memory limit.

So while browsing my albums, I stumble on a photo that I took last week that I forgot to make a post about. I saw a city cat that’s so friendly and that she knows how to pose for a shot.


Even though the city doesn’t encourage stray pets to be roaming the streets, there are some who managed to evade being impounded to shelters. I think the reason for it is that the neighbors don’t find the stray pets as nuisance and there’s no complaints about them.


As soon as this cat sees me, she approached near me. She gently sat beside which is an indication that she’s a friendly cat. My observation with her is that she is healthy and it shows on her fine fur.

What’s nice about her is that she’s so gentle and she doesn’t make noise. Now I know why the residents has no complaints about her and she can freely roam the neighborhood.

Some cities doesn’t like the to see stray animals on the street however there are places like Turkey & Japan who doesn’t mind having cats of the city. It’s amazing to see places like that who are not so tough about pets. It’s even more pleasing to see that these pets are freely roaming the city. It’s is so cool!

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