Can You Help Me? Looking For Some Advise, To Get My Project Started

in #animalslast year (edited)

Today was market day. I usually, always try and get into town early, but today I needed to go later. I had to meet someone in town at two and I really didn't want to spend the whole morning, hanging around there.


Nakho, who I rescued and rehomed

Market day is always really busy and as much as I love bumping into people I know, it can get a tad bit overwhelming for me, if there are too many to greet.

I always enjoy the walk in though, I usually go by myself, so it gives me sometime to just think, to process and be by myself. As a solo parent, that alone time is precious.

As I was walking in, I caught sight of a cat up ahead. I know quite a few of the animals that live on route and they know me. But this poor creature, I didn't recognise. As I got closer I realised that he was not in good shape.

He had hardly any hair on his tail, his ears were pretty messed up and he had lots of bare patches on his back. I say he, but I have no idea if it was a he or a she. I couldn't get close enough. It was terrified of me.

As I tried to get closer, it just ran off.


Asuly, who I rescued and found her forever home, with a good friend of mine.

It was heartbreaking, I always feel so useless when I see animals like that and I can't do anything for them. Even if I had managed to catch him, what could I have done. Try and walk with him in my arms to the vets, whilst he was completely freaked out.

I would have needed a cat carrier and a safe place for him to recuperate afterwards. Both of which I don't have.

As much as I love living where I am, I really don't think I can live in this Country anymore, unless I can actually find a way to set up the animal sanctuary that I have been writing about.

Of course I need to raise funding for this and that, is something I have very little experience with. I need money for land and to be able to build shelters for the animals, unless there were already out buildings on the land and then I need to be able to provide care for them.

This needs a lot of marketing, again something I am not so good at. But i really want to learn. I believe that anything is possible, if you really put your mind to it. I have been sitting with this idea for so long, now I really need to put it into action.


Rusty who my girls rescued and who who's home, will always be with us with us

So I am looking for some advise, I would love to have a conversation with someone who has experience in fundraising and marketing. If you are that person and feel the call to offer your help, please reach out to me in the comments and we can communicate further.

A few years back I done a fundraiser for my sister on Go Fund Me, but I would love to know of any alternative fundraising sites, are there ones that accept Crypto for example.

I really need to get the ball rolling on this. There is such a huge need for it here and I don't want to just have to accept that this is the way it is, I want to do something about it.

I met someone today who told me to just try and forget what I saw. But why should I do that, instead I want to use this experience along with the strong emotions I am feeling, to help me get this project started. I have to try, at the very least!

So any words of advise, would be greatly appreciated.

Here to 2023, being the year our dreams come through.


I don't have an answer for you, but perhaps you can talk with @papilloncharity who fundraises here on Hive (and I assume elsewhere too of course)?

Thanks so much for the suggestion xxx


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Is there a "friends of animals" club in your area?
You may be surprised if you ask. You'd either find a support group, or you may be invited to start one.
There are many people with the same feelings towards animals with the need to act somehow.
And when you get your sanctuary going, try using sea salt or seawater to improve their health.

I am part of the local Vegan group and I have reached out to everyone in there as well. Thank you @fernandoylet xxx

I wonder if @zirochka @torem-di-torem @dreemsteem and @enginewitty might have any ideas on how to get this started??? I'm also submitting this post to Dreemport, and will leave you some information below on how to use it to get more eyes on your posts :)

I really hope you can find and help the poor cat. Please tag me if you do?

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I'll try to study it as soon as I have a stable internet connection. Unfortunately we’ve been shelled by russia again today so we have some problems.
I’ve reposted it into my blog for not to forget

Thanks so much, I hope you will have a solution to her problem :) Surely you had similar fears when you started your animal shelter?


Introspection sucks
If you think about it.

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Thank you @wrestlingdesires, I will look into Dreemport, I appreciate any advice and input I can get, it is something I am very passionate about.
I went again today and couldn't find the cat. I will keep trying though xxxx

I went again today and couldn't find the cat.

I wonder if making a live trap, and adding a nice bowl of food and water would be a good idea? Then your new friend would be safe, with a full stomach :) ...

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I asked him to wait till after finals.

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Hello you!

I hear you. 👍 And it's not easy to be around...

I'd say that it's really difficult to get something going off the ground (though that shouldn't put you off at all) and will take some years to build.

Wouldn't it be easier and faster (!) to approach ngos or non-profits that are already up and running, do some training with them and then ask them if you can set up another branch where it is needed?

First off you'll have support and contacts (much needed with work like this as it can become overwhelming very fast!). They'll also be able to handle funds and fundraising... lots of admin!

Basically... if you start a project solo you have to be all of everything. Admin, feeder, rescuer, handyman, fundraiser... etc etc

But if you collaborate you have a lot more punch immediately?

Yeah it is a huge undertaking, but I also have some friends who I know, would want to help.
I will do a little research re non profits. There are none in this area, I know, but probably further afield. Thanks for the advice @nickydee I really appreciate it xxxx

Absolute pleasure.

Never advice! Only suggestions! :D

Schools, Universities, vets and other small to medium businesses in the area may also sponsor something like this?

Admire you acknowledging the problem and moving towards change. It's not easy! 👏

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Thanks for the support xxxx

I have zero knowledge about fundraising but I have reblogged this and I hope someone who does gets to see it.

The first time I read your article was about animal rescue and I felt touched because you have a lot of compassion for these amazing creatures some humans choose to maltreat.

I believe it is possible and I am definitely going to support the best way I can.

Thank you you George, I appreciate the support xxxx

I know nothing about this, except that I know you would excel at it! It's a fab idea. Rusty looks like a completely different dog, so perky and healthy and happy. You are a miracle worker.

Thank you beautiful. Rusty is so full of life, he is such a sweetie. xxxxx

There are so many animals that are stranded on the road that genuinely need help, so you are doing a very good job with your project, I hope you get all the support you need, I write on different pet infections as well, it may help put sometimes as well. I am happy to find you here friend.

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I know exactly what you mean. Here it's pretty much the same situation. There is one man in Crete that has the best shelter, that I know of, in Greece. He has devoted his life to the stray animals and he knows all you need to know about making and funding a shelter. As far as I know he is a nice guy but I don't know him personally. You can try contacting him and maybe he can help you.
I hope you'll find a way to make your dream come true!

Thank you @fotostef. I have heard of him, me and my girls like to watch the Dodo on youtube, which shows lots of animal rescue videos. I will check out his site xxxxx

I hope you can find someone to assist you on this project! This really hasto be done. And you are the oet hero they need!

I have not a clue ,... just a link , that might be interesting .

Hey @small1axe, thank you I will check it out. xxxxxx

This a selfless love from you toward animals. Your children will be so proud of you. Thanks for sharing.

I have zero knowlegde. But @papilloncharity would. Of course he doesn't run an animal shelter (or maybe he does?) but he would have basic knowledge on how to start I guess. They are a legit, registered charity foundation on Hive and I don't know if there is any connection but I hope he can help.
You have such a great heart!🙂

You do Adorable work…pets are life

I'm absolutely terrible at marketing but goodness I hope you can bring your dream to fruition - if there's anyone who'd be great at running an animal shelter it's you, and definitely it sounds like your calling.

Wow this is really amazing and you saved a homeless dog, hope you enjoyed your day the market shopping can be stressful but I'm glad you enjoyed