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RE: DualPost Blacklist - Identifying Steem milkers on Hive

in #anti-abuse4 years ago

It’s your vote but what a crap move.

Last I checked an individual’s content belongs to that individual. If I want to share my thoughts on steem, hive, Facebook, in a damn pamphlet, in discord, in a Christmas letter to my parents, on Instagram it is my prerogative.

Your vote... whatever. But how utterly stupid.

This is like an Uber driver refusing a fare who also uses Lyft. If everyone doesn’t play in your sandbox you are pouting about it?

Last time I checked there is a global pandemic putting millions of people out of work. People who need to find money through alternate means. You actually have the time in your life to be checking on steem, then coming back to hive only to make a list that prevents people you don’t know, whose real life circumstances are beyond your knowledge, from earning a pathetic amount of almost worthless crypto with their own content on multiple platforms?

No wonder Steem and soon to be Hive are such a mess.



You are speaking from my heart!
I don't get excited about online stuff often. but this blatant abuse of power - and that is what it is when you make a post like this in the position he is in - just makes my blood boil over.
No wonder so many people don't want to have anything to do with either of the blockchains.
So sick of this!!!
Bullying at its best.
I am so disappointed!