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RE: Unicorn ~ by Red Dust Art

in #art6 years ago

The Scottish are a friendly people and love to share their culture. Especially beer, whiskey, and sports.

Where do I sign up??!?

I love celtic art; something about it is just awesome. I actually am working on a Tree of Life which has some celtic vibes running through it - I hope to post it soon.
Working on "simpler" stuff is definitely necessary to give your mind a rest! Or if you're like me you actually "stress" when working on a piece waiting for that one stroke that ruins the whole thing! (I know, that can't be healthy...)

Your line work on this is great! Do you plan on coloring it?


No colors, this series will be for a coloring book. Gads, the stress from a missed line of brush stroke is awful. But doing meditation retreats has helped me deal with the stress, you know, put the feeling aside.