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RE: Unboxing the Artful Subscription Box

in #art3 years ago

p.s. what is that ring? on your left hand, pointer finger.

what is that ring???
oh my gosh - the skunk smell here is getting worse! gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh DIRTY SKUNKS!

(BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE - WHY DO THEY HAVE TO SMELL SO BAD! i love their coloring and how they waddle hehehehe but damn it! they stink to high heaven!)


This beautiful Lady queenbswoodstock made the Druze ring for me. Her story of why she is making jewelry and has a store will make you cry. It's so heart-touching.


is that you floating on skunk smell?? hahahahahahaha

you!!! are a crazy woman hehehe

hmmmm do you have a post talking all about this ring? hehehehe i'll have to go check out the store!!! :)


hahahahaha running there now

i looked her up - but i needed an instagram on my computer to access her stuff
then i went to her site - and it didn't have any jewelry hahahaha

i do have instagram -but i BARELY know how to use it hahahaha

so when my computer asked me to log in - i was like - oh for crying in the mud!!!!

ok - let me go see the video!

p.s. how are you lovie :)