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RE: I Bought New Art....

in #art2 years ago (edited)

At first glance of the art I thought that doesn't look like her style, but then when I read the description and looked closer I realized it is indeed. In my opinion the cat is smiling rather than hissing.

Ah drains. Such an adventure. Are you on spetic or city? Septics are such an adventure sometimes ;)


You know, it's not really my normal style, but then, these days I never know what is going to draw me in. Since covid, I have bought more art than I have made. I have chosen a very eclectic assortment. I don't even understand it myself, but in each one, I've found something that appeals to me. I have hung most of them on the walls around my work desk. They keep me company and help get me through.

I am on septic. The good thing is, if the septic decides to get too persnickity, it belongs to my Uncle next door....LOLOLOL ! No worries here !

I am envisioning a whole gallery crammed together around your work desk. It sounds lovely.

The walls ARE a little busy around there. 😆