Abstract With Feather - Practice Project

in #artlast month
Hi !
The collage art journey continues. I started this project a couple of weeks back or 10 days or something close to one of those.
In the beginning there was no plan, just like always, just try new things and try to learn something from trying !


There was a first version of this project and I know this is way to many photos, but believe me when I tell you there were SO many more taken through the process and it was hard to narrow them down, but I tried. I just wanted to show you the first version too.
I originally started out making the first layer out of stencils. it was fun.


...and then stencils OVER stencils...


....still stenciling...😄


Then I wrote on it with a paint marker and continued to paint.
Then came the avalanche of papers, tear tear tear, glue glue glue


Then I wrote on it with a paint marker and then I painted over all of that.


paint paint paint


stencil paint stencil....I'm making my own self laugh with my commentary.....


some squiggles and more paint....


More of everything....


THEN... DONE !.... the first time.... or so I thought.

first finish.jpg

At least a week passed and I lived with it, seeing it as I came and went. Parts of it I liked very well, but the project as a whole just wouldn't grow on my. There was something not quite right my brain said and so last night.....
More papers got blued and they were different from the original papers. Namby Pamby, here and there.


Bye-bye parts of "version one" that I really kinda liked.


...and a new life began to happen. Papers papers, everywhere new papers.


.....and more paint with squiggles.


Then new sections appeared. Looks like a totally different project. No way to tell anymore what lies beneath.


More papers and stencils. I was taking the photos quickly as I went and like always, most aren't quite great as the light over my art table washes parts of it out, but it's still fun after to have some photos of the journey.


Now the feather has appeared. I didn't plan that, but I knew I wanted a black and white piece of collage paper. I went through my papers and pulled out 3 or 4 that might work. The feather won out.


I couple of close ups in different areas.


SO many layers.


Along came some yellow squiggles with the paint marker again. I liked how they looked in the first version, so the second got some too.


...and then some more !


Oh look ! It snowed !.... or something.
And that was THAT !


DONE !...... again.


There are things I like about them both. On the first version of "done" on the right, green/blue circles in the top left and a few other details that show nicely close up, faded too far into the background at any distance, so the over all look, although not terrible at all, I just couldn't make it grow on me. There were parts of it I could love, but not enough parts.
Maybe you like version one better? It's ok to say. Either way, There won't be a version three ...!! This one is done-DONE now...LOL For better or worse.

is was.jpg

I worked some over time hours this morning, which you know I detest, but they made me and then I did chores for a couple of hours that I didn't mean to do, then I ate and did a few more things..... now I'm posting this and then I may take a nap because I stayed up too late last night and THEN.... back to the art table to see what other kinds of fun messes I can make.
Hope you are all doing well and that your hearts are happy.
Luv Ya !

This is very interesting :D my kids can enjoy this kind of art.

Thank you...

Yes ! It would be quite fun for nearly all ages.

I will try this, looking for magazines to cut out :D thanks for the inspiration.

A lot of collage artists use magazine papers as well as painting over or stenciling on coloring book papers or pages from old books and the such. Most any kind of paper will work although some could be too thick I suppose. I have one I am working on that has bits of a map. If it's paper, it can be used, even junk mail if that's a thing where you are. We seem to get lots of it in the mail here. I put some stencil designs on coffee filter papers. It's kind of fun finding new things to use. Add a little paint and you are only limited to your imagination. :)

Ah, yes that will do. I am keeping the abstract paintings of my kids and I can reuse them for collage art. Thanks for the idea :D

Fantastically good!

Thank you !