The thoughts of a modern day philosopher

in #art7 years ago

If this form of "consciousness" is simply pictures and sounds that our naked eyes and ears can pick up... what else is really out there beyond our individual human perception?

Is there anything else? If so, what? Have we pursued the idea of this? Are we scared to? What could we possibly find?

If we are truly breaking this down we need to explore the "other forms of consciousness". Consciousness is simply being aware of your surroundings. The sights, sounds, smells, feelings, etc... but there are measurable entities out there that are beyond our human senses. But with certain technologies OR certain substances (shrooms, LSD, DMT, Ayahuasca tea, etc.) we are able to have these "hallucinations" and our conscious is able to view these entities.

The question I and many others I'm sure are wondering is... what if these AREN'T hallucinations? What if by simply changing the chemical reactions and compositions of our brain we are finally able to truly see them. Which raises the question as to why are these "drugs" deemed illegal?? Yet Governments and military contractors are able to test and experiment with these things seemingly at will with zero public consequences.

What are they hiding? Or on the flip side, what are they saving us from? What shouldn't we be able to access? If it's dangerous, shouldn't we be able to determine this for ourselves in our "free country"? I understand certain people take these sorts of things and abuse them and use them for things they shouldn't, and that's why the rules and guidelines are there.

Back to my discussion of consciousness... basically from my interpretation conscious is merely ones perception of things. For instance, take 2 people and have them look at the same picture and have them write down their thoughts about the picture. Is it pretty? Ugly? What did it make you feel? Anything at all? Get their PERCEPTION of it. More often than not you will be given and entirely different answer.

So what makes our perspectives different? Obviously individuality and free will give the opportunity for free will, but culture and where you're born/raised geographically plays a huge part too. We are told that our conscience is our built in "moral code" but I believe that there is no such thing. I believe conditioning and discipline is what drives us to act that way we do.

Hear me out, why is grabbing a burger from any of the 57 fast food chains that are on every corner okay in the USA but cows are considered sacred in India? Why is eating dogs okay in Korea but would get you thrown in jail for years in the United States? Our "reality" is controlled by the ideologies of the people who raised us and the people who raised them and so on.

So what really is our "moral code" ? I don't think we have one, I would counter the idea of morality with what most refer to as "survival instinct". Our human nature to react to certain things such as loud noises, bright lights, heights, etc. are survival instincts. For years and years humanity was survival of the fittest, if you were bigger and stronger and wanted what another person had? You simply took it. The biggest and strongest ruled.

Only recently did a phenomenon of "tolerance and acceptance" take over. Yet it's taken the form of an even worse bully than that of the caveman wanting another's food so he took it. Because while the teaching is that of tolerance and acceptance? If your beliefs or convictions counter these ideas in any way shape or form? You're a bigot, a racist, a "whatever kind of phobe" they deem you as, etc.

So why? Why do we latch on to a belief so strongly that anyone who has a different opinion to ours is immediately shunned or worse? Could it be that it's our "survival instinct" kicking in? The difference of opinions could subconsciously be deemed as the individual not sharing the same goals as your group thereby becoming a threat?

Anyone else thoughts and inputs on this would be greatly appreciated! Follow me for more content!


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Well described