Young Love - office art by @mariandavp

in #art7 years ago

Hello people!

I don't want to say much about today's office art which is about Young Love.

We have all been Young (some of you still are quite young) and we have all been in love. Sometimes falling in love makes us feel much younger too.

Everything becomes exciting and beautiful. The small and unimportant details become lovable and unique, and the previously serious and important considerations in our minds are being dismissed in a second.

Love is like spring. It fills our lives with colors and warmth, but it is not meant to last forever.

2017-08-30 18.44.19.jpg

As always for my office art I used pens, markers and highlighters. Here are some photos from the process.

2017-08-30 18.47.06.jpg

2017-08-30 18.47.28.jpg

2017-08-30 18.47.45.jpg

2017-08-30 18.48.17.jpg


Another great picture! It's such an optimistic drawing! I like the colors, they brighten up my mood!
Love is the vital power of humanity.
Love is the urge to create life.
Love is like...oxygen!

Awesome soundtrack for my post, thank you @ruth-girl!

Nothing is as changeable as a young one's heart. But still worth it even if it lasts for a short moment.

I agree, you never regret those moments

Well... I'm not sure that you never regret them lol. But those moments make you feel alive.

Winter comes for all

and soon the leaves will fall.

But the seeds of love are sowed,

and soon again will grow!

Disclaimer: I'm not a poet, your artwork made me do this

You are a poet alright!

Ααααα, αυτό μου βγάζει πολύ θετική ενέργεια :D

Εισαι ρομαντικος τυπος τελικα!

Ναι είμαι λίγο ζουζουνι όσο να ναι! 🐞🐞🐞

my god i love your art ! ur super talented !!!
fell free to come and check my work :)

Thank you, will do.

thank you for upvote girl !!
hope to see you more on my blog in the future, ur awesome ! :)

I absolute LOVE!!!!!!! the abstract approach!!!! love love love love it!!! It SO speaks to me on a soul level!!! <3

Next time you go on a holiday.... are you going to consider my home town ;)

hehehe (trying hard to convince many to visit this beautiful town!

You said to share my posts with you... and this was one that meant a lot to me...

Take care and keep the creative rolling!!!! It is amazing!!!

Thank you very much @jaynie for your enthousiasm! Checking your post now.

I think it is true that love makes us all feel young. We are injected with this huge buzz of happiness and optimism when we find someone who we can love and just being in their presence is euphoric.

Although when people see young love they see it as something rash, impetuous and that they are just dumb youngsters but I believe that is where the purest unconditional love is found as many people seem to give out their all when they are young.

Amazing painting @mariandavp. I recently made a post about time travelling and it looks like you can bend and manipulate time when you take a sweet embrace from someone you love dearly about.

Will need to find time to check your inspirational posts @arckrai... thank you!

Love is like MAGIC, love turns modern things into special, with a lot feeling and impressions !! Thanks for this blog

Thank you very much for stοpping by and leaving such a sweet comment!!

Colorfull painting, your very creative @mariandavp.

Thanks a million @klen.civil!!

Ur welcome my friend @mariandavp

Btw, If you have time I hope you can visit my blog to provide comments and support on the post titled The Uniqueness of Aceh Coffee Shop with a Charming Wall Painting


I love the yellow colors! So warm and embracing.

This reminds me of the Count of Monte Cristo when Edmond and Mercedes reunite - lost love rekindled. :)

Υou are so right!!!! Awesome observation!


Thank you!

I love the sunflowers! I love sunflowers - you just can't help but smile when you see some.

And you are so right, love can make us feel young again. For a little while at least ;-)

At least :) I like sunflowers too. Thanks for your comment 🌹

Incredible but true
a mixture of classical and modern art
Authenticity and Absolute Modernity
Thank you very much for this great artwork...

I like your comment so much... I admit it I am a sucker for flattery! Thank you @machhour!

Well done, amazing piece of art work, I really appreciate this.

Thank you very very much!

amazing, nice paintings @mariandavp thanks his motivation for my greetings from @amre

Τhank you very much @amre!

thanks again for his motivation @mariandavp

This post received a 4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @trumpman! For more information, click here!

well Done ... Nice work .

you got some skills
i will follow your account to see how are you doing;) please follow me

Thank you very much @hauntedbrain! Will do.

Indeed i was young once and would like to thing I am young at heart if not in body :)
And I do know love :)

This is such a sweet work or art and so cool to see the process steps

If you stay young at heart your body will do too! Thank you!

Yes to a degree you are right :)

I would say always ... falling in love makes us feel much younger. Incredible art work !

Indeed we become younger 😍💗Thank you very much @digitalking!

great work , but kiss doesn't always mean love. It could mean sex. The kiss is just an expression, but true love is In our depths
, and whatever we try to draw it , we can't.

Yesterday , My wife made a surprise to me! after four years of marriage.We didn't know how to express love. Just this way. heheh

Τhis is quite beautiful, may you celebrate your love forever!

Nice drawing with photo process it..great post.. @mariandavp

Thanks so much @slempase 💖

Thank you, if you want please come to my blog and put your comment

I have upvoted your posts

Thank you @mariandavp for your support ..have a nice day

Nice post...

Thank you!

I love this! Beautiful work my friend! Sorry that I have not been so active lately! Hope you are well! :) Your friend ~Hratch

Hey there! Thanks a lot, I am good hope you are well too... and creating masterpieces as always!

wow @mariandavp another great work, well done! xx
Just one thing that worries me - I hope your boss doesn't see you when you're busy with yourart ;) resteeming!

Οh he does... I am drawing during conference calls lol!Thank you dear!

Thank you.. faling in love gives you extra strenghts courage And is one of the best times in life.. Thx again

One of the most magical times in life I think. Thank you for being around.

I agree with your opinion..
but also depends on how people will interpret about love.
painting and writing is very beautiful...

Yes you are right, it depends...
Thank you!

Beautiful painting, i like your art. Thanks for share.

Thank you for viewing @fauzi03!

You're welcome.
May I ask permission to resteem your post?

Of course, thank you!

You're welcome. hopefully we can help each other in steemit. I am ready to upvote your post always because I have followed you. Nice to meet you

Que bonito

This post has received a 2.08 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @ruth-girl. Send 0.100 or more SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field to bid on the next vote.

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I really admire the craftsmanship that went into this work -- I aspire to embody the attitude of those flowers there. Thank you again, for your powerful art. Love it!

I am really happy you enjoyed my artwork, thank you!!

Wow awesome
Respect for you

Please chek my post about art 😊

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