Drawing for Dwelling -Stella

in #art6 years ago


An Illustration for Doug Karr's novel Dwelling

I'm thrilled to be working with Doug Karr to create illustrations for his novel DWELLING. Today, I'm showing you the process of how I created an illustration for Chapter Three of the novel, where we meet the character Stella.

The beautiful young Malawian in her late twenties, Stella Muluzi, stood at the stove next to Kondwani. The older woman handed Stella maize patties as she finished shaping. Kondwani knew full well she was distracting the young woman from the rapeseed and pumpkin leaves that were Stella's responsibility to prepare.

@dougkarr's novel Dwelling - Chapter Three


Drawing Stella


The image was sketched out in pencil then layers of ink washes applied to create a range of tones. I used drawing ink applied with a dip pen to add lines and details.


I looked at the designs of chitenge fabrics as inspiration for the patterns on Stella's dress. I applied more detail to these patterns using black drawing ink and a brush.



Presiding over the table, Kondwani turned an impatient eye towards Stella who still stood by the counter working to rescue her scorched garnishes.

@dougkarr's novel Dwelling - Chapter Three


'Stella' -Ink on paper


You can read the 3rd chapter of Doug Karr's novel Dwelling now!

Redbubble shop

Have a great day and Steem on!


These are so good Ophelia! I love the style.

beautiful work dear friend @opheliafu, I really like the combination of colors of coffee and coffee with milk that you have used.
thank you very much for comparing your beautiful works
I wish you a great night

Thank you my friend, glad you enjoyed this new illustration.

Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!

wow - awesome work. Love the drawing/inking style. Makes me want to go and draw....

Have fun!

I congratulate you friend for your clean work and creativity, beautiful combination I love, greetings and spend a happy night

This is so wonderful and evocative. I love everything from the details on her dress to Stella's isolation in the composition. FANTASTIC!

I guess these your passion @Ohphelia
Keep it up....