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RE: Work in progress with comic book project

in #art3 years ago

I do like the prettier dice image though I can see why you could have simplified it down for an avatar.

The cover image div on peakd says its min-height is 240px, it's 155px in, max width is 1000px. I just used the header I had for my Patreon when I had it (I ditched Patreon) and it looks fine on a small screen but awkward on a large one XD


Thank you so much for the cover size!🖤
I made it more simple in order to make it more clear to see (hope I made my point in English lol). Small image with lots of details causes "Hmmmm, what's that?":)

And why did you quit Patreon?

Two major reasons.

  1. I didn't feel like I was making enough progress fast enough to be worth people supporting monthly (I appreciate people's support but when it's monthly like that I want it to be worthwhile)
  2. Patreon seemed to be deplatforming people if they disagreed with political leanings (and possibly just other things that they didn't like but I didn't investigate those). The people they were deplatforming were people whose politics I wouldn't agree with either but as far as I could tell they hadn't actually done anything that was against Patreon's ToS. I'm anti-censorship so even if my main point 1 hadn't been a problem I still would have bailed out.

Wow, never heard about politics on Patreon