Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #200 'The Future'

in #art6 years ago

'The Future'

Would you like to see the future? Just for a brief moment? Maybe only a glimpse? As far as I was told, the trick is not in a crystal ball but in your mind. Starring in the space within a ball can ease up and open your mind. It might become receptive to the vast possibilities and present them to you in pictures. After your unconscious mind had done that job your conscious mind might accept that as truth. And we know very well that if you believe in something it is more likely to happen. Your mind might set your actions and that way starts unveiling 'the future' for you. But then again, I might be completely wrong, of course, and starring in a crystal ball is serious and dangerous magic... :D

This abstract image is a double exposure photograph and was further composited a little in Photoshop. Nothing much but still. I wanted to achieve the plasticity and create 3D space that would give the crystal ball feeling and make you be able to stare at it easily for prolonged periods of time. The colours are reduced to the cold spectrum with a slight touch of yellow. I think the blue is very appropriate for the major colour here. The curved lines are uneven and unfinished. They create a spinning sensation and work toward the main idea. Notice the tonal depth which helps move the dark areas away from the viewer. This is where, I guess, something might be happening.

Abstraction is one of my favourites but sometimes it is difficult to explain that this is an art photograph, not painted art.

Please, relax for a while and take your time to stare in the image. Then let me know how it works on you!

Enjoy! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

All images and text published in this post are my original work. I encourage everyone to use own texts, thoughts and images as much as possible. Be yourself and stay yourself. This is a proper way to build steemit.com. I do not have respect for dishonest authors. Also, bloggers actually DO matter!

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Note to my dear readers, friends and followers: Please understand that I am unable to answer all of your comments because if I was to do that, I'd not have any time left for creating the series and for all of my other Steemit-related work. The amount of comments is overwhelming. It is beautiful to see that my work is appreciated and that it inspires so many people. I read all of your comments before going to sleep. It is my evening routine. Thank you so much for your support!

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It's indeed very relaxing. I stared at it for a moment and I'm hoping to find many variants I can use as wallpapers. _But so far, this image is one-of-a-kind.

It really is! Never seen anything quite like it. The longer I stare at it, the more I see.

Truly, I get to see this in movies, where someone goes to a gypsy to see his/her future. If believing is what determines your future, then the crystal ball doesn't really make your future. I always say that our minds controls the universe and with these our future is unveiled. But can we say that the crystal ball predicts our future?
The image used is terrific and awesome, a true work of a pro. Seriously, the curved lines are just everywhere and am finding it hard to even trace where the crystal ball is itself. It makes me want to stare at the picture for a very long time to understand the pattern. I guess that's why its called an abstract art...lol. Great work boss, its been a while, couldn't comment on your posts because we where busy planning our first meetup @enugu-steem and it was a huge success, you could check out my post sire...Thank you so much boss

Love all success regarding STEEM! :)
Well done!

Thank you so much boss...I appreciate!

abstraction is your strength :)
The future that we know about him. Nothing. Our knowledge of the future can only be based on conjectures. We do not know the future. But we know that in the future it is possible to travel to the future. How? Scientists have proved that near large objects, time moves slower. If we theoretically approach the black hole or accelerate to the speed of light, then the time for us will practically stop, but we will not feel it. But in our world time will go on as usual. That is, 1 minute near the black hole will be equal to - 1 year on the ground (roughly). Therefore, the concept of time is relative at various points in the universe.
Some people say that the future is defined and there is a fate through which we can not change our future. But I believe that the future is not defined and we are creating our future right here and now. Only we can influence our life and we can change everything. While we are alive.
Thanks, it made me think.


Exactly what I wanted to say.

but she said it first

Stunning image Sir, my hat is off to you! Your work with imagery as well as your work in the Steemit community is greatly appreciated. You are one of the "Founding Fathers of Steemit" ! I love astronomy and everything space-related, and your pic above reveals stars and gas clouds one might see in a Hubble image - nice indeed.

Elon could shoot a roadster into this space :)
The beauty of digital photography art.

The future of human responsibility: What tomorrow will bring is certainly a natural result of the precepts of the day, so man has to investigate everything in good, and follow the good and the right, and he is sure that the next will be like the one presented. This certainty frees man from the complex of fear of the future, and prevents him from looking to the unseen of deviant ways and twisted ways that spoil the mind and disrupt work

Hey dear @velimir
Its wonderful photography on genuine and origional article. You always post such different idea related to truth. This is really appreciative the tasks.
images (4).jpeg

I inspire your project and fellows.

Stay blessed and keep it up man
Steem on

any one can not anything about his future.and i think a photo is better then words

Imagining the future like the law of attraction. The more I stare at the picture the more I get lost in to the details. Kind of looks like a panting.

yes...we know very well that if you believe in something it is more likely to happen.photoshop work was nice and the thinking with it is uncommon...nice post

You paint what u percieve! N that could come from mind & heart or even through both if them. Future term used by you is as confusing as my mind and heart both are related to my future!

It is like tornado that inhale me slowly. Don't know whats inside but it's not that scary but relaxing. Perfect !


I stared at it for some time, I felt relaxed, didnt think about the future but just felt a calming sensation. Thanks xx

Beautiful. It says to me that the future is in flux; which means we have the power to make it whatever we want.

Photography is the science, art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected
your photography is really fine
thai is appreciated
carry on

Just voted. You guys do a cracking job and deserve it.

The future is Steemit for all humankind :)
Nice picture too. Just my cuppa tea that :)

Here is an interesting story on the subject....
A chap named Al Bielek spent several years in the future.
Check it out if you get time.
Great description of having no monetary system, no central goverment and anti-gravity cities hovering miles high in the sky. Movable too!

Thats a great photography...
I appreciate your post..actually you are great one in this steemit..
I am always follow your post..
Cause I like your post always..
And your every post is mind blowing ..
Thanks for sharing your valuable post..
My support will for your every .
I wish you overcome in this steemit by your post.
Carry on your activity ..
Best of luck..
Upvote and resteemit done..

good photography in future...
i support it and realize it so much...
thats awesome on...
keep it on..
thanks for sharing

I could say that there is nothing better than living day to day and keeping our feet on the ground at all times. And in a way, he's right. However, just as the pragmatic capacity is necessary for any everyday matter, sometimes it is necessary to look up a bit and see everything with a certain perspective.
These abstract photographs allow us precisely that look to the future, from which numerous benefits are derived, such as the following:

  1. The analysis of probabilities and alternative scenarios. It consists of traveling to other scenarios and worlds, just as we do when we go to the movies or read a book. But not only for the fact of traveling; On the contrary, the idea is to extract from it something useful for our present.
  2. Drive creativity. The search for new ideas and connections with the immaterial world enhances our creative capacity, often limited by the material resources we have at hand.
  3. Help in the formation of personal criteria. When we go to this type of thinking, we are strengthening our criteria in certain situations or contexts. The opposite would be for others to think in our place.
  4. It makes us freer, independent and autonomous. Congratulations for those photographs that transport us to the future.

nice photography in future
i will wait for it

this post makes me thinking in many terms

Wow. It's too good.such a amazing.thanks for sharing with us.keep it up.it will be liked by all.great post it is.photography is too good. photographer is so good.keep sharing.thank you

this post is so informative for me

owwww........nice photography
good work,,,Thank you

Wow!!!! It's really nice art.

Boss @veilmir.., most of ur post inspires me a lot.. And this one reminds me of so many things ahead that I need to focus on.. Thanks.. 👍👍👍👍👍

Hey @velimir my friend where did your journey reached I regularly see your posts 👍🏻✅

wow amazing beautiful and creative mind just as an artist

A good future is certainly from his own venture capital, what it never gives up, its sweet bitter life

you are very nice and i think you understand my thinking about your post.

My head ached. Maybe it did not worked for me :)

Yes sirrrr !!! Nice presentation helpful for me good job 👏

thank you for providing my friend information, may be useful to all of us thank you, photography life is very important to keep for the better.

Good job, i will start follow you and waiting impressive works :) Also follow me for reading my articles.

Good job, i will start follow you and waiting impressive works :) Also follow me for reading my articles.

As if hypnosis is happening

welcome my blog...
if you like my post please upvote and resteem
welcome @velimir

Hey! Checkout blog post 27788824_1988907168036591_4314997176791239614_o.jpg https://steemit.com/art/@smatik/simple-art-paul-walker-anybody-fan


please help me
resteem and upvote

Hello @velimir,

Nice piece of art you shared here made by you showing the future. realy amazing for Original Art Photography. I appreciate your work because you always posted real and original stuff.best wishes for you.

wow.. very good creation.. thanks for sharing. i loved it.. hope a shiny photography life for your future

art and photography combination is really amazing

So sorry . wrong link!

Wow nice post thanks for sharing keep up the good work on steemit

You are welcome

Very deep imaginations though. I think that image up there call reflections....Great minds think great things!

That really is a mesmerizing photograph; it seems to draw you in.

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