Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #203 'Alienation and the Solution'

in #art6 years ago (edited)

'Alienation and the Solution'

The more technology we have, the less of humanity we seem to exhibit. All those gadgets, we invented, were meant to serve the purpose of making more free quality time for us but it seems that due to the technological advances we have even less time for our fellow human. Alienation is a disease that takes us away from the company of other people and locks us up in front of our screens.

Though, heavy atmosphere of this blue, dusk shot speaks of alienation between people. Closed and isolated middle part, depicting a building with barely seen windows and the sky riddled with antennas, defines the main idea. A heavy dark shape of the building weights its mass over the entire composition and, very much, defines the overall mood.

Thick and heavy horizontal layers appear emotionally unpenetrable. The only possible escape from the dark massive shape and the outside borders seems to be the sky. But, the positive emotion fades away as soon as we realize that it's only a reflection, not the real sky. The observer's point of view becomes clear at that moment. Downward.

The middle is closed from the top and bottom with pointillistic, nervous asphalt structure which isolates the reflection from the rest of the world. The "T" shaped white marking, which is the lightest object carries a meaning. Until we figure out what it means to us, it will remain the main mystery of this photo together with the antennas which are calling out for everyone who can help with the overall alienation but no one seems to hear nor care.

For me, "T" stands for Togetherness. ;-)
That is the solution.


©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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I like that you constantly touch socially important topics for society.
Gadgets and new technologies - this is undoubtedly a very important achievement for humanity. But if you touch on the theme of "nostalgia." I will give an example from my childhood. My childhood was without telephones. We had a very good time. We set the appointment time in advance. It was interesting. I had a lot of friends (even more than in the age of digital technology, it was not real virtual friends). We watched movies on video cassettes and it was very cool :) I loved spending time with my girlfriend and she did not give anything away and all the attention was to me. (I mean that modern girls are dependent on their smartphones).
With friends in the childhood we were very keen on moto-technology and if something is not significant then they turned to the elders (now the senior attention is paid less because there is the Internet).
I do not claim that it was better before, but every time of our life is good in its own way. Therefore, we should appreciate every day lived.

This photo is a reflection of past times! We see them only in our imagination and vivid memories. More such will not happen.

Why do you think that in all films and books the future is portrayed as gloomy? even despite all the technological progress.

I will repeat, the main idea that visited me is that it is necessary to enjoy this :)

Thank you


I agree with you for the most part about the technology progress and alienation, but then again some tech innovations can bring us even closer, blockchain for example. Huge potential to bring us all together and to find a solution to many problems of modern society. I like your photo and what you derived from it, really captures the feel of isolation and solitude with this blue/gray tone and the roughness of an asphalt.

The inventions were meant to solve the human problems and they did. Unfortunately, the only problem they solved was helping a few get more profits through these invention. I keep downloading apps for toddlers in my home and all the free apps have so much ads that it becomes almost impossible to use those apps. I'm talking about the Google Play, one of the biggest companies in the world. Similarly, in current times, we have more awareness about health and fitness and that's why we can have balanced diet with just a click of a button. But when it comes to being healthy, we see more diseases and sickness today than it used to be in the past. I understand that the population of the world has increased enormously but at the same time, technology has touched its heights. Why does not majority of the people in developing countries no safe drinking water available in the times when there are always plenty of funds available for killing humans through wars? We're not progressing at all. We're heading towards hell...or we're in hell more appropriately.

Hi sir!! Thanks for this, I love gadgets and games but this is true, sometimes I really do forget all the people that surrounds me, even my girl for that matter, just because of playing games.. It's ironic that gadgets have an advertisement saying they are made to connect people but in reality we are really drifting away to one another.

Physically present but Mentally absent

Nice photo! At first I did not understand it but eventually I realized it's a reflection in the water. I really love photos deep meanings. Keep it up my friend !

It is true ......if we go back into the past...or even in this century if we visit places where these gadgets or internet has not upshot till now...you will see how happy they are ..and how people try to mingle in each others sorrow...in my opinion those lives are far more better than this one.....even today the height of alienation is such vivid that if relatives or a friends meet up...they dont even talk to each other.....i guess i am among one....these technological gadgets will make us robots & thats what is happening today....

That is true , we definitely are among them..
All those group study sessions that we plan never come to fruition because we are too caught up in our mobile and computer screens.

post which is very interesting to see @ velimir thank you for sharing, hopefully what you informasilan can, useful.

I understand the meaning of your photo without explanation, the point of it is so clear. And that makes it so great!

The photography you shared is really awesome. Just Amazing I always pay attention to your posts, because your post contains many important information that is very valuable to me. And thank you very much for sharing your valuable post with us. I hope that you will be with us for many more valuable posts like this. I hope you will be successful, work like that. Be good

A good opinion and I agree. With the technology such as gadgets that many social media applications, making people lazy socialize. Everyone prefers to chat ria like to chat directly. This is a negative impact of technology that is very dangerous because it can be mutually individual nature. And also humans increasingly preoccupied with the work and more often berkutat in front of komputer.Manusia more appreciate time as money. This certainly can be a trigger renggangnya silaturrahmi between neighbors and other friends.

it's really good photography

fantastic picture and interpretation. I really enjoy this series since I have found it. Keep up the great work @velimir!

thank you! :)

hello @velimir, I strongly argue with this article, around me and sometimes I myself also participate in the atmosphere. at the time get together with friends, average on busy with mobile or gudget respectively. no direct interaction and communication. close but far away. that's my opinion. picture above shows man under tehnology control

agree, bro, agree :) not argue :D

Sorry. Smatphone tutor erorr. Maybe

Comment above this me @zafran = @cutagus
Dont forget follow .
Great and friend for steemit

What a nice post with a great meaning. Thanks for this and I agree 100%

This Post shows the control of technology over man. I think it's a matter of how we control technology or let technology control us. But it's the truth that with technology man has lost the ability to socialize but on a different platform.

yeah, Technology is taking us to both the sides.
Negative and positive.
Take the example of the internet.
some people are using it for wrong purposes like watching porn etc.
But Others are using it get knowledge and in a positive way.
Take the example of these war weapons.
They too two aspects, One is safety other is destroyed.
So it depends on onus how we use technology and how we can get benefit from it.
@Velimir i need your help.

You have a very interesting point of view. I agree with what you explain in this article.
Good Job!!!

Ive got to say your photograph is very creative. Who wouldve known that a puddle can be artistic! It looks really good lol.

wow....really wonderful art.....and you create a great post.....i waiting for your next post....i wish for your best of luck brother

hello sir @velimir i was just looking for art lover because i also want to post about on #art category . i search about art tags there i saw a lots of articles on art but i really appreciate your post .The title of this article is so good #Alienation and the Solution' . i really enjoy your article on art . #sir keep posting on this category wish you best of luck. sorry for my bad english

what a creativity !!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Wow!! That's really nice art.

You had did a great work. Congratulations.!

good think sir....... Alienation and the Solution'

wow....amazing photography, nice post, thanks for sharing

nyc follow me

Good post friend
I'M very like this 😊

nice post friends, this picture is very nice, good luck friend ...

Very very nice

I love art. And I really like the artwork from you

Thick and heavy horizontal layers appear emotionally unpenetrable. The only possible escape from the dark massive shape and the outside borders seems to be the sky. But, the positive emotion fades away as soon as we realize that it's only a reflection, not the real sky. The observer's point of view becomes clear at that moment. Awesome:)

The "T" means trade as much as u can and become rich :) ahah anyway that's a great explanation of how bad things are going and they won't get any better.

well, it is a way of looking at it :D

Awesome. Beautiful art.

Daily life is a lot of lika twists, things we know, the more our knowledge, social and tolerance fellow ... Many of the media that we enter seamkin many things in thinking.

Well said. Very inspiring!

Nice shot and write-up to go with it. Thanks for sharing.

Please help me upvote me.

nice sir ...
чланке које су веома корисне

Salam kenal oh y jangan lupa follow @yasir123

all true steemians support your direction @velimir, running the rules is the thing that must be built and guarded together.

we're distinated to simplicity and automatization in everything !!!

This is really labor. Congratulations. Thank you for sharing important information with us.

because you do not answer any questions,, ???? has a very good article,

Amazing the post... I like... photography...
follow steemit me @salda and do not forget post the votes... See you next time... 👈👉💪💪💪🙋‍♂️

Abstract and perfect

It's really pro art my friend @velimir

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