AskSteem: Have you invited any new people to Steem lately?

in #asksteem5 years ago

As we're getting closer to figuring out the best way to start putting our claimed accounts to good use with OCD and co-operating with @steemonboarding and hopefully other, I wanted to ask if the community and users able to claim free accounts are inviting users to Steem.

I hope that with how times have changed and prices not being the highlight of your pitches that you have plenty of other reasons to invite people you know or think would like what Steem has to offer. We've seen how leading with "you can make money" can easily backfire and lead to a lot of inactive accounts shortly after once they realize that nothing in life comes easy, not even on Steem.

We have a lot of new and big dapps now though allowing users to earn something through gaming, working out and all kinds of various things. I hope the community and other older users will also be leading with that this time around.

Is there anything that is stopping you from inviting people today though? What i that case? Steemit account creation doesn't look to have a queue either lately so even if you are not able to claim free accounts yourself your friends would not have to wait for too long to get an account - instead you can always encourage them extra with a delegation which they would surely appreciate having a voting slider thanks to you.

So, have you invited any new people to Steem lately? How did that go?


I have invited two of my friends and now they are more active on Steemit than I am :(

Well that seems like a good problem to have, lol.

One guy recently bought nearly 7000 steem but hasn’t powered it up. He’s more an investor and won’t be blogging. He’s attending SteemCamp next month and I work with him. Just need to work on him some more.

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Let him know that he'd be able to earn a better passive income if he powered it up and did something with it, would be nice if we would have faster powerdowns though just in case people feel "trapped" cause of it.

Oh he's well aware of the passive income benefits... I have shown him umpteen times.., and he keeps saying he's gonna power it up.. but then never does..., @goblinknackers... check the wasted potential..

So far, I’ve invited 2 people that have recently joined. They’re @projecticarus and @gabrielgee 👍😁 They’re close friends of mines so I’m pretty excited that they’re a part of the community now😃

I invited a Swedish guy I met on the train. We spoke for about two hours about crypto and I am pretty sure he joined. I didn't know him well enough to actually sign him up though.

There are about 30 people here I invited with most being inactive now but, a couple still going strong, a couple sporadically posting.

What stops me is it takes a lot of work to onboard well and mostly it will be "wasted" as few will stay. There aren't many I know in my close circle who are the type of person to put effort into something like steem.

My goal for onboarding is a longer term position to bring in many at the same time rather than one at a time, hopefully with some investment and skills behind them.

Not recently. I am kind of out of people to invite at the moment and out of the ones who I did invite 1 made some posts and 2 made an account but never posted.

I have not invited anyone for a couple of months now despite continuing to claim accounts to do so. I have been thinking to do so for a couple of friends and family that are into gaming and to bring them to Steem Monsters as it work for someone I invited already. However, when I do I want to have time to walk thrm through it and that has limited me of late. Maybe the summer will be a great chance!

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Yeah, despite the prices fall, I've got many reasons to invite many friends to #steem lately. Of worthy mention are @Kufray @Anicom @Dezzypraize @Idyjoy @Edyygreat @Funky777 @Georgeluv.

Many more in the coming weeks.

I try to invite everyone I meet to Steem. Most of them want to join but they're not really active.. =(

Many of them might be too young to understand how valuable a blockchain based social media platform could be in the future.

I did have about 4 people sign up, but I think they posted once or twice and then gave up, except my daughter, she was on for about two months but eventually gave up also, and with the price Steem is at right now getting sign ups who will stay is even tougher. I guess everyone wants money fast and Steemit isn't that place.

Yup! My friend @dragonfart took my advice and joined the platform recently. He deserves a cookie because he's one of the very few people who actually took the time to look into it and sign up.

lol hilarious username

Its gone terrible for me 😂😂 i think i have made around 20 accounts for people i know who are anarchists and freaks but still they dont use it. The last 4 that i got to join the steem blockchain and to introduce crypto were mainly by showing them @actifit, but still new users are expected to join for 10usd which is off putting, same as monsters..
I get it that devs need paying and projects need funding 😊 but thats the only thing hindering new users and new money, the pay to start part.

I make steemit accounts for anyone who says they will give it a go actually, maybe I even made nearer to 30 for people now Im thinking back lol.

The last I got onto steem was @jooska, @byegoogle, @munatic in the last month, but I think they have already stopped 😐

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Fak off It's not true

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😁 just checkin !!

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Most of the people I invited lost their keys months later without realizing there is no way to recover the account. The average person is going to have a very tough time grasping the concept of decentralization and self-ownership and self-regulation.

At this point I'm saving all my accounts. During the peak of the last bull run even the centralized exchanges couldn't keep up with account signups. People were paying a premium just to gain access to a Binance account or what have you.

The same thing will happen again with Steem.
Accounts will have real value when there aren't enough to go around.

I think this problem of forgetting the keys discourages many people because they can't recover them.

Maybe... This is a bad habit (which creates up to a certain sloppiness) that is acquired by the fact that on other platforms, recovering some password is something extremely easy.

yeah new/casual users might as well be storing their master password on the cloud imo

Yes, back in 2018 I was actively inviting friends and relatives to jump into steem. Fortunately 78 out of around 300 have made it and less than hundreds still pending for approval.

But those numbers doesn't matter now, none of the 78 users is active. Few of them get back blogging on there own domains and the rest get back to forbidden place of Facebook.

I work in marketing and almost all of my crypto-clients have a Steemit account on my initiative. After I tell them how big the communities are and that a personal approach is more honest and straightforward most of them join the platform.

Getting individuals that aren't pro-crypto onboard is completely different and I stopped bothering after a while.

I've tried to talk and recommend Steem to many people... But basically, the concept they make of this idea is that none of this is real and workable.

Translating: For them, it's a waste of time.

So, nowadays I hardly comment on the subject with people who have no profile to embark on this journey (because the difficult thing isn't to buy the idea, but to remain believing in it).

Nope. All 4/5 that i have invited didn't stay too long, and that was with my support when I had 10k more in delegation, and STEEM was 10x this price.

A few people i know are earning sweat-coins for exercise, and I think i'll have a go at getting them onto actifit when I see them next (Will install, create account, give them the right key etc).

Turning up without a plan or stake these days is going to mean a sharp exit imo. And they still do, cause of that excellent shop window 'we' have called Trending.

"All 4/5 that i have invited didn't stay too long..."

This is one of the biggest problems because the vast majority of them feel unmotivated (mainly because of low currency values). However, a part of it's their own fault, because they already assume they will be rich.

I told and invited a friend to join steemit
but he got stopped out at Account Activation ( 1-2 week wait) due to Phone Verification message did not arrive at his mobile number.
I cant believe it - Steemit Inc has not fixed this issue in 3rd year of operations.
I just cant believe it.
I remember 6 months ago as well, I recommended steemit to a friend and he also got stuck up with mobile number verification. The verification SMS never arrives.
Then I thought of Blocktrades but I dint have liquid steem at that point of time to sponsor.
I have no clue about "Free Steemit accounts" if that exists.

Oh this happened recently? Hmm, well try get him to create an account through one of the dapps instead, Steem Monsters, Steemhunt or Oracle-D. Soon @ocd will also start account creation, let me know if you still need a quick account created, I can send you a link from

Well, 4 Days ago !
Forget about him
even I dont know about the Dapps you are talking about?
and what is Steeminvite?
Oh Wait - Steeminvite asks for posting key - I thought I am not supposed to enter my keys anywhere other than steemit - oh wait - thats why I never used any Steemit Dapps :)
ALSO - Now that I have given you feedback - Why doesnt Steemit Inc Fix the SMS Verification process rather than divert traffic to a third party. Imagine a 1st time user comes to Steemit and gets stuck with SMS Verification, then he clicks the 3rd party apps link and gets confused like hell about the technical stuff. Guess what - he will never return again. (he'd assume blockchain and crypto is not his cup of tea, and that he ain't capable enough to understand its technicalities.)

One more thing: its 4 days, since he got stuck at the signup process, did he get back to me? NO
Did I get back to him, NO?
That lead is gone, unless I push.

Well im sort of new. An annoying someone got me to come back. :) (Maybe i was just looking for an excuse hihi)

I'll definitely daytime nothing is stopping me now because the issue of account creating seems to be solved but the truth is people aren't able to develop the right mentality about steem no matter how hard you try to explain it and when they're hit with the reality of the prices and votes (for those who aren't investing) they totally go away

It hasn't been going well honestly. I've tried to retain my enthusiasm but a lot of people have bailed on the system(Including the person that introduced me to it). I try to tell people about how it was in the past and talk about the potential and all that but there's not much to sell with these days

Talking about steem -or any other cryptomeo - with whom you aren't willing to listen is very complicated (and this is something that I particularly don't do it anymore).

Always but. Most of them do not interest in crypto space.

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I'm trying a lot with my friends...but when I speak about crypto usually they look at me as an alien...😆
But I think gaming can be the key to attract more people here...🤞

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Nah, @acidyo, not a single one.

This site has too many trolls attacking new users. Then I'll have to explain to them who these trolls are, which kind of content they flag, how to avoid being flagged by a group of senseless trolls who act like they own the network... and so on and so on.

Frankly, I can't be bothered. If this network finds a way for the whales to stop abusing the flagging system, I'll reconsider advertising this platform to my friends.

Until that day comes, I won't be bothered advertising a network at the same time some of the whales try to bring it down.

Advertising Steem right now... sounds like a total waste of time to me.

Meh, I've seen way more trolls on centralized platforms than here to be honest. 99% of the users I follow don't face these problems you are bringing up.

Or maybe they are not speaking up... because they are too afraid of being flagged. 😛

It is a slow process..