Daily Moon and Planetary Forecast Monday 19th February - Moon in Aries, Sun in Pisces!

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

The Moon in Aries is when we can take action on things we need or want to get done. It drives us to get things started we have been thinking about doing. Its good for exercising and being active, as Aries ignites our Fire inside and get us motivated and passionate. We want to chase after our desires but can do so without planning and thinking.

We can find ourselves or others are moody, snappy, aggressive & short tempered. Be careful of this on the roads when driving, people will be rushing in traffic, but not as alert as normal with this spacey Pisces Ego Sun energy. We will be wanting to get all these things done, with the Moon in a Cardinal Fire Sign, but Pisces Suns dreamy wishy-washy energy will have us slower than normal in an Aries Transit today. Tomorrow will be better as the sun moves into the 1st degree on Pisces.

Astrology Chart 19.2.18 edited.png

Pisces is our consciousness, healing and spirituality. We can dive deep with others and heal wounds from the past as we are more open and more vulnerable. Pisces can also be deceptive and misleading. They can seem like they are tough on the outside, but inside is rivers of sensitive, emotional waters. They can feel everything, everyone's energy and emotions going on around them. They can easily get tired and sleepy because of this which is why we can be more sleepy. The dreaminess comes from the intuitive and very spiritual side side of Pisces. Pisces represents out higher consciousness. Imaginative and creative helping us to connect with our creativity with Art, Poetry, Movies/Plays & Music.

They can have multiple personalities or 2 sides to them similar to Gemini represented by the 2 fish. They can connect with people on many levels as they have learnt the lessons of each sign as Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, the highest level of knowledge and spirituality.

Water Sign, very in tune with feelings and emotions. You can tap into the positive things side of Pisces and not fall into your deep depths of pain, you can really change your views on the world and what is your reality.

Pisces being the last sign can represent endings and completion during this zodiac month. We have started with the first 6 signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo, learning about ourselves and who we are and getting things moving. Then we moved to Libra Season where we start to connect with others and build relationships that will satisfy us. We then go deep into Scorpio Season and get deep and transform our ego. Then into Sagittarius where we need some freedom from all the heaviness to explore and expand. Then we put the knowledge we learnt from Sag into Practical action in Capricorn to create Structure or foundations and ground ourselves. Then into Aquarius where we open up to the world to share our gifts to help humanity. Then into Pisces where we come to the completion of all we have done and achieved and feel good or bad about it. We see our reality we have created and we see what we need and don't need and can let go. We can manifest the highest realty our consciousness wants us to have. We can release and let go of negativity, self sabotaging behaviors, addictions and hidden enemies, people and things that draining our life force energy.

Mercury has also moved into Pisces now. Mercury is in detriment, in its opposite sign from Virgo. So our attention to detail, critical behaviour and quick witted thinking will be foggy and not on point. Our communication can be more wishy-washy causing misunderstandings and promises of things we can no commit to. Messages and information will not be as clear with the fog we need to really feel into what people are saying and have strong discernment that would normally be stronger for Mercury. Mercury rules our minds, so we can be more interested in learning about spirituality and consciousness. This can be good for poets and musicians as we can be more in touch to our feelings and our words will be softer and more emotional.

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As Above, So Below.

Christine XOXO

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