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RE: Kurume Azalea - turning Japanese

in #azaleas6 years ago

Wow so very beautiful garden, thanks for sharing.really nice for lovely it @ctrl-alt-nwo

Position: partial shade
Soil: moist, well-drained, humus-rich, acid soil or ericaceous compost
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: May and June
Hardiness: fully hardy

Masses of small, funnel shaped, yellowish-pink flowers in late spring and early summer, and small, mid green leaves. This low growing, evergreen azalea makes a perfect container plant. The luxuriant flowers, each of which contains two rings of petals, one inside the other, are great for brightening a partly shady patio or courtyard garden.
Garden care: Avoid planting too deeply. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of leaf mould around the base of the plant each spring.


Thanks for the comment, but you have not quoted a SOURCE for the Pics. Are they your own photos ?