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RE: Waiting For The Beaches To Open

in #beach4 years ago

Uh, @frot does not believe viruses are real at all.

I have discussed the matter with him, and note I was incapable of proving they did, in fact, exist.

It is also notable that our beliefs inform our perceptions. You can only see what you believe. If what you see is so foreign to your underlying beliefs that you cannot reconcile the evidence of your eyes with the beliefs you have held since your earliest youth, you will believe you have hallucinated, rather than believe your eyes.

So, arguing with him isn't going to change his mind, and you're probably incapable as was I of suspending belief in viruses either.

Change my mind.


Viruses are real - BUT they are not contagious - and they don't hang out at the beach - it's not just me saying it...

it's been said for 150 years but covered up by the sickness industry psychopaths


I completely disagree with you. The oceans are full of viruses, too.

I'm a big fan of fear. It's one of my most treasured assets that keeps me from dying a lot. I'd be more afraid of more if I could afford it. The thing is that I don't allow fear to determine what I do. I use fear to alert me to things I should rationally consider.

Yes, fear is useful - right up there with hate, worry, or an itchy sphincter...

The oceans are full of sewage, plastic bags, and salt - but live viruses - LOL...


Yep. The oceans are probably the biggest market for virii, being the oldest habitat for life. Positively brimming.

yeah there are a lot of viruses in the oceans, but what do they actually do?, are they alive and kicking? are they in any way harmful to humans? what is their relationship to bacteria?

key thing - have no fear of "catching" a virus from surfing!
