
Congratulations to all who participated for their beautiful entries truly making this #beatbattle s2:r6 a Tropical Paradise, it was a pleasure listening to every one of you!

...and thank you again to the judges for their hard work and dedication to the nearly impossible task of ranking so many great works!

Ayy much appreciation for listening and commenting on the entries what a soul you are.

And you're very welcome man this round was so difficult. Everyone brought a certain style and take on the theme it is so beautiful.

A joyous, beautiful, and rewarding challenge it is ... I suppose it's these sorts of challenges that make life worth getting out of bed in the morning... ;-)

Thank you 😃 @smacommunity and the judges @chiefmappster @beatseb, @seveaux and @derekmiller for the awesome opportunity to to make music for the #beatbattle and get involved with SMA venture, it might've took me some time to get back to the music but Spring always is the core inspirator for me so here I am, cheers everyone and see you in the next round ✌

you're on of the greatest artists on the platform man, just keep it coming ;)

Thanks @seveaux I really appreciate the compliment, I am glad to be on board with you guys 😉

Ayyy you're very welcome brothaman what an incredibly talented and passionate soul you are. Glad to have you apart of it and excited to hear more music from you o weeeeeeee.

So many great tunes this round, congrats to all the winners and thanks for the honorable mention! :)

Rightttt wow is there some serious talent here on Steemit o my. And you're very welcome much appreciation for your entry and exposing us to Rarotonga. Man I gotta visit there :)

That's very true, there really is a lot of musical potential here! Oh yes, the Cook Islands should be on anyone's bucket list really...

Man rightttt. But its is on it now :))

Holy faaaaaaaaaaääååq!!!!! I only just saw this!!! Sorry it took so long to comment!
Er ma gerd!!
I am so stoked! What gracious compliments you gave too. That really touched my heart. Thank you so so much!
Just totally made my night!!!
I’m so honoured and I hope this music and message brings many people good vibes and realisations.

Congrats on everyone else’s superb entries!

Ayyyy wow that makes me smile so big. You're very welcome :)

I know it is for sure. I can't stop playing it. It is one of my new favorite songs o weeeeee are you such an incredible soul.

Congrats again and thanks again for helping spread the message and raising our vibrations.

Congrats to @ivan.atman on the top spot and to the other winners! :-) Lotsa great tunes in this round for sure. Keep that beautiful music flowing!

Peace. :-)

Ayyyy rightttt it was so hard judging this round.

Appreciate you my friend.

So nice for real bro 100% this was a good theme real smooth to check all this styles out! one love ! 100%

Thank you kind sir man was it difficult to judge. Everyone brought something to the table. Much appreciation for being involved.

cngrats all! and thank you @chiefmappster and the entire #sma crew! It means the world to me the work you guys are doing!

You're very welcome my friend that means a lot. Your presence is a present.

Much love and respect.

Very nice music!!! Congratulations.


Thank you. Rightttttt so much talent on here its incredible.


great share. thank you so much.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.
