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RE: Sublime, Beautiful Sunday!

in #beautifulsunday4 years ago

You know how I feel about cemeteries. Much the same as you. There is a hush that comes over the entire place when I step inside its gates.

There are signs of recent visitation, especially at Arlington, which is one of the closest to me. While many people find it ghoulish, I have never felt that way about them.

The lighting is beautiful, perfect picture-taking light. Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing!

Upped and Reposted



Thank you so much, @dswigle! Yes, we do have that in common! They are places of quiet reflection for me. I feel the past is there, but sleeping a long and quiet rest, all the problems of the world set aside and no longer relevant. And that is a welcome thing right now!

Thank you for visiting and for the tip!