Lots Of Coffee, Horse Races, Etc Etc

in #beautifulsunday11 months ago

Another beautiful day, it was very gloomy outside until I got off work, then the sun was shining and the temperature went higher. I decided to go to the horse races and try my luck, I went there with 2 bucks, I latest 4 races there, won two of four races, but I ended up losing ninty cents all together. Hopefully next time I last all ten races

After that I ended up buying my wife a present, I bought her a carebear named Dream Bright Bear, my wife is very obsessed with Care Bears, at least this bear is very positive and believes anything is possible. The wife was very excited and Dream Bright Bear got to join her other Care Bears

The daytime was almost ending, so I went for a little walk and go watch the sunset over the river, there was lots of Canadain Geese swimming all around.

Then I took a drive down to the coffee shop and got myself a cup of coffee, I have only had like ten cups, so I think I'll be alright

And since I still don't have internet at our house I'll chill out on the car and use the wifi at the coffee shop. I made in just in time to catch some summer league basketball games. I watched the tail end of the San Antonio Spurs Vs the Portland Trail Blazers. Finally got to see what all the hype was about Victor Wembayama was all about, he did pretty good, 27 points and 12 rebounds. I wonder if he will get rookie of the year, I think I might put my money on The Charlotte Hornets Brandon Milker though

I might just stay here for a bunch of hours watching a whole bunch of games.
#beautifulsunday is led by
@ace108 and
#sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a


90 cents for some hours of fun. I didn't know care bear is still a thing.

Yay! 🤗
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