Today's Journey 🙀

in #beautifulsunday11 months ago

Another early rising day, started off the day brewing some coffee ☕☕ and watched an episode of the old school episode of "The Lonegunman" such a classic show. Then I did some reading from a book I got from the library by Esther and Jerry Hicks called The Amazing Power Of Deliberate Intent, pretty good book to start off my day.

And then I was off, where I was going, I don't know, no plans, but I knew I had to do something. So I starting walking downtown.

I stopped in front of Henry's Vintage store, they had a neat display of some old baseball programs, it seemed weird seeing a Montreal Expos program

There was another vintage store across the road from there, it wasn't open though. But I looked through the window.

I started to walk into the flee market, and I thought I have to start throwing some curveballs, I have been going to the flee market way too much lately, so I decided to take a very long walk, went all the way to the Bridgeview Marina, got to see all sorts of boats, Canadian Geese and all sorts of tree's, it was a great workout

I ended up at a dead-end, the marina area was only for members only, so I turned around and went to another area by the river and I ran into someone I haven't seen in a while, we chilled out and talked and watched the big ship's going through the river.

After that I walked to the library to use the internet and watch some baseball

#beautifulsunday is led by
@ace108 and
#sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a


It's always good to meet a friendly face even if it wasn't planned.

I absolutely !LUV Esther. Although I have not been to one of her seminars I look forward to the day I can and hope that I am ready for the hot seat on my first trip. She is an AMAZING human being.

I haven't been to any of her seminars either, it would be neat to see. I watch them quite a bit through my laptop