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RE: Hard Seltzer Review

in #beer4 years ago

There are so many out there these days. It seems like every company is jumping on the band wagon. I guess they need to move to where the money is. The "lightness" of these things is what puts me off. I used to love the New York Seltzer waters when I was a kid, but those didn't have artificial/low cal sweeteners in them. I can taste even the slightest hint of aspertame/stevia/etc. in anything that has it and then that is all I taste. All diet sodas taste the same to me even the ones that are supposed to taste more like the original.


I think I taste the same artificial flavor. It’s comes across as acidic and metallic to me. This flavor was strong enough to cover it so I was tolerating it. I want to like these, but it’s tough.