
No but it will. post tomorrow about it as we had some shit happen yesterday. The problem is an underlying one as a large percentage have aids. The ones on the drugs will be fine but there are many who aren't and they have no immune system to fight this. Records show 40 percent are not on Antiretrovirals so if it spreads we have big shit. Talking millions and not thousands.

Oh man, you know, no one has really mentioned that over here but I bet that is an issue because its all about the immune system. That would be bloody grim. I will keep abn eye out for your post!

It is a massive problem as the government here says we have 7 million with HIV. That is pure bullshit as that is about 15% of the population and that is a guess or thumb suck as we have had open borders since 1994. It has to be double that or even more and if they say 60 percent are on treatment then that is another lie so who knows how good or bad it is, we are going to find out.

Governments never like to admit shit like that because then they have to admit a whole load of other related side-shit!

Fingers crossed that you/we and all that are close to us stay and remain safe!