It's a first #bikethursday post, ride with me along the Columbia River

in #bikethursday4 years ago


Welcome to #bikethursday, where I am going to take you along on my morning bike ride.

Lets get going...

I'm one lucky bastard to live on the banks of thr mighty Columbia River and today we did an 11 mile ride along the river trail. From riverfront Park to the west end of the trail and back.


The trail is just over 7 miles long and most of it is along the river like this.

If you zoom in to the middle of this picture you can see a bench sitting on a small peninsula looking east.

Look at this awesome spaceship cloud!

Here we are on the way back with the river on our left, my two traveling companions up ahead on the bridge.

For the past couple weeks there has been a flock of Canadian geese with chicks on the trail and when I say the parents are aggressively protecting the young I am not kidding.

Here is a video of me nearly loosing a leg to one of these beasts.


Thanks for coming along today, I'll just leave you with a glimpse of my nightmares to come...


DAmmit what a ride!

That space ship is pretty cool and you covered a hell of a lot of ground!

Right on man.

I am finally back to commenting. I had a few problems posting as @ronavel here on hive. I was downvoted and muted because of plagiarism. Then I was told that I was plagiarizing @ronaldoavelino...
Now I think everything is all right and I am back.
Take care, my friend!