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RE: New Generation Oura Ring

in #biohacking2 years ago

I actually already use it for cycle tracking and it's amazing! Oura put out a period prediction, which I think is quite unnecessary, but there are studies and trials going on for more. I use the temperature data from the ring and put it in my Natural Cycles app, even though it might not be adviced to do so yet. The ring does not give absolutes but it gives +/- deviation from your average, so I did some calculations of my own using the Natural Cycles data I had collected to find out my baseline. I do believe that in the near future it will all be synchronised between the apps. From my own tests for the past 6 months, the ring is more accurate than just taking your temperature in the morning, obviously since the Oura temp is an average taken once every minute while you sleep.


That's very interesting! I'll look into the Natural Cycles app. I recently stopped taking oral contraceptives after 2 consecutive years of them, so I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my body and its natural production of hormones.

Good for you, I hope you get back on track soon. The mood swings, bloating, spotting, stress of trying not to forget the pill etc are so not worth it!

Thanks! I couldn't agree more. The side effects I'd been having were pretty harsh on me. I didn't feel like myself anymore and the depression had gotten way worse. But the future looks brighter now! I intend on taking a lot more care of my nutrition, lifestyle, etc. to help my body autoregulate.