Daily: Biggest Bubble Ever?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

The altcoin market has been growing continuously for almost a week - is it the biggest bubble ever?
1:00 Market Analysis
1:00 Altcoin Bubble?
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Altcoin bubble? More like bitcoin bubble. Altcoins like steem are still undervalued. But some are bad, yes.

there will be a sifting from the good alt coin and the bad ones, eventually the good ones will sustain the momentum while the shit coins will collapse

I upvoted you and the Steem blockchain confirmed it in less than 3 seconds with no fee.

I agree, some altcoins are undervalued. The blockchain technology is really the future here that seem much more secure than speculating on an individual coin or groups of coins.

If altcoin is bubble then every ather currency is bubble too

Keep an eye out for Cordano. Its way more scalable than ETH and will let you transfer money between currieries without an exchange on top of many other features.

They still haven't implemented anything. Seems great for the future, distant future.

Where can I get cardano?

ADA has not even starting running yet. This seems like a gamble.

I don’t mind the quick run-up, as long as they stop for a breather every once in a while.

I mean with BTC prices skyrocketing I think it makes more sense to try cloud mining because of higher returns. https://hashflare.io/r/7487B9DC 10% OFF voucher: 7487B9DC

I expect that Bitcoin will begin to stall and the capital inflows will be diverted to alts.

I think Steem is a great contender. Please check this out.

I don't think cryptos are in a bubble.
the new investors in the round are subject to learn and educate themselves.

And regarding BTC bashing. Those who bash BTC are (((them))).

I got Vechain, but it went down a bit :(

Informative video. I'm new to cryptocurrency (and Steemit). I took a look at the market data (which I didn't know existed until I saw your video) and notice there are A LOT of cryptocurrencies out there, which makes this all the more confusing for a beginner. What happens if there is a bubble with a currency like bitcoin and it bursts? People just potentially lose money?

Also, bitcoin bursting will generally drag down the other 1000+ crypto currencies on the market. While these coins can be technically independent of each other (as they should be), bitcoin's notoriety and place amongst the public eye as "the" crypto currency causes widespread fear for the entire market when bitcoin experiences a bear phase.

If the bitcoin bubble bursts you still have the same amount of bitcoins, but they are worth less. You can either keep your bitcoins waiting for it to (hopefully) raise in price over again, or sell it at a lower price you bought and lose money in the process. In this way it's similar to owning shares in a company.

Bitcoin is the grand bubble master, not the altcoins. Altcoins are solving all the troubles of bitcoin, that's where the money should be, not bitcoin. Many altcoins were undervalued for too long, let them have their glory.


Maybe they will after some time. The more people go to crypto the more learn about altcoins. I personally more like etherium and look on IOTA. Bitcoin is a good pipe))

i dont think BTC will implode cause their isnt much coins to feed the demand , it may slow down but not implode, their can be only 21 million coins in circulation but the demand for the coin could be more thus its imminent growth

I do not think crypto is in a bubbel jet ...
We are just gettign started

cryptos are the future of currencies , i agree we are just getting started, what we need to do is get rid of the shit coins in circulation

Great video

With only $600 Billion marketcap ? We are no where near a Bubble.

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I don't think this is anywhere near the bubble that it will eventually become but yes we are in a sort of "bubble" with the Bitcoin hype taking over the news outlets and everyone and their mother using Coinbase now. I started telling my parents about cryptocurrency 4 years ago and it wasn't until this summer that my dad finally started buying anything.

I think a combination of the networking effect of friends telling other friends about their insane profits AND a flood of institutional money is what is driving this price action in the markets.

the hype has had a big effect on the rise , the coins needed a tipping point and the rise of BTC was that , now people are interested in alt coins and as the world begins to discover cryptos the demand will also rise

You have made a very important point that should not be overlooked. The networking effect of friends getting friends into crypto is causing a flood of capital into the markets. Personally, I think the flood is just beginning and more and more people are getting involved. Just over the last two weeks people have been trying to get involved in the markets and due to long financial transaction times from traditional banks into currency exchanges. As more people are aware of the opportunity the growth should occur in tandem.

All financial system is bubble...
But some alts like Steem, EOS might be the future!

LOL...I know, right; but these are the same morons who think that World of Warcraft is based on a true story...

@boxmining No, biggest chapter ever in global economic history! It's just the beginning!

Hey, Have you got a discord? I could do with some advice on Exodus. Getting myself in a confused state and saw your youtube video.

i use exodus. how can i help.

You on discord? Or Steemit chat? Could be easier to explain on there ha ha

steemit.chat yeah, @teamhumble -- can't voice or video chat right now as the other half is sleeping a few metres from me and i don't want to wake her up!

Sorry for the late reply. I got it sorted thank you for offering to assist though

bitcoin is overvalued. but altcoin? i believe it's still in its nascent stage and there's so much room for growth. utility of the coins is what really drive its intrinsic value!

I enjoy the growth of some altcoins to bitcoin. Just like 'DASH', the moon of the year.

altcoin bubble?? many coins response badly....

Its about to get bigger for 2-5 more years

Blockchain technology is here to stay. Bitcoin is dominated by a few mining companies who are controlling the market. The last week, you had to pay insane fees to process your transfers..... Is this what satoshi initially wanted?? I don't think so. It's gonna burst pretty soon, rather invest in altcoins

nice one but the bitcoin is also growing with the passage of time and it will hight 300,000$ to 400,000$ according to the researcher

you can also read this from here

It's not a bubble yet. It can't be, everyone is saying it is. Bubbles occurs when nobody expects it and when everyone tells you to invest, you hear it on the news on a daily basis and you get pressured into investing. This is only the beginning.

BCH is unusually climbing I believe for one its due to the coinbase news.

Hey sir. @boxmining
You wrote a wonderful post. Regarding this article its about crypto bitcoin grand bubble. Nice sharing to steemians community. A great informative idea you introduce.
Keep sharing

Good way
Keep up the good work

Bitcoin is the real bubble!

  • marketcaps of btc
  • comparison of altcoin prices and bitcoin
  • also decrease in the relative dominence of btc in crypto market comared with other altcoins (while still prices are going higher)

these are all proving that there will be no bubble...
although I respect any other expert opinion

thanks btw for such a great discussion

and btw there is a prediction of btc untill 2021 and it consists of a long downtrend..although I think its not about a bubble...
Bitcoin price prediction, to Dec 2021

yes Bitcoin is really big bubble

Your stupidity is a BIIIIG BUBLE!!! ;)

Okay we will see who is stupid and who is not... thanks by the way..for your comments.

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as per my understanding its not a bubble if it was bubble it will break at $15000 but no its not check the new famous prediction.you will like it.


Simple and perfect good post @boxmining
Follow me @mukliss

many people say its not bubble....but sooner or later, they will have that moment✨

The bubble will burst for the coins or tokens that have no real product, provide no real service or is easily replaced. Just like in internet bubble.

Dude, your video is helpful to beginners like me. I think that bitcoin is somehow becoming a “bubble” as it is soaring high with a chance to fall hard but let’s be positive and hope for the best. lol

Bitcoin Bubble? came across an interesting article last night about Bitcoin and it possibly being a bubble. Have a read, curious as to what your thoughts are on it.

GREAT post! Creptocurrency will ever spill surprises. Today it is Altcoin bubble, tomorrow it could be steemit bubble. I follow and upvote you. Do same for me.

Don't think is a bubble, the rise was an upgrade in system of most altcoin and positive abt them being spread and it can't last for long...

Good post. So when the buble is going to end?

Several factors have been responsible for pushing the total market cap of cryptocurrencies higher. The total market capitalization (market cap) of cryptocurrencies continues to grow, recently surpassing $170 billion and hitting a fresh record high @boxmining

I am starting to follow your publications, and you are really interesting, now I find it confusing to understand the predictions, some say it is the beginning, and others that the end begins, what if we all agree is that bitcoin is here to stay, and transform the world as we know it.

A bubble which is going to destroy banks refusing new system and bring a new economic order to our world !

No bubble yet as the people are just getting excited about crypto.

Nice post good work my friend @boxminning

Cripto kesinlikle önemlidir

Good post bro

I don't know if altcoins are in a bubble, but I know this feels much more rewarding to invest in projects you believe in and watch them grow and potentially change the world, than to invest in bitcoins as you would invest in gold :)

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